Not As It Should

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Ben bit his lip as he ran his hands through Cynthia's curly hair. She kissed his thighs and stroked him before taking him into her mouth. Ben groaned deeply and inwardly to not be loud. Just as Cynthia was getting him to the edge they heard Miranda scream. Ben quickly jumped up almost kicking Cynthia.

"Ben put some shorts on," Cynthia scolded him as he almost ran out of the bedroom naked.

He grabbed his shorts off the floor before running out the room and over to Miranda. Cynthia fell back on the bed and stared at the ceiling in anger and disbelief. It had been three days that she'd been trying to have sex with Ben and each time Miranda would scream from having a nightmare. It was like she knew they were about to have sex and she would take Ben from her by having a nightmare. Ben refused to go to her apartment because he didn't want Miranda to be alone.

Ben put his shorts on as he ran down the hallway to Miranda's room. He bursted through the door and Miranda was screaming and fighting in her sleep. Ben got on the bed and pulled Miranda into his arms.

"Miranda wake up....wake up please," Ben said as he restrained her arms.

Miranda woke up breathing heavy and crying. When she realized Ben was holding her calmed down a little and snuggled into his arms. Ben held her in his lap and spoke, soothing and comforting words to her.

"It's okay Miranda, I got you. I love you," Ben whispered.

Cynthia stood in the middle of the hallway listening and she got mad.  No matter how much Ben said he didn't want Miranda, he treated her like he did. Cynthia needed to figure out what to do because she really wanted Ben and felt he was right for her.

Ben continued to lay with Miranda and hold her until she went back to sleep. He didn't want to let go because as much as he was being there for her, laying beside her like they use to was comforting. He felt at home beside her but he felt he was in too deep. They both were beginning relationships with other people.

Eventually Ben came out of Miranda's room and Cynthia was sitting in the living room looking pissed off.

"It's like she knows when we're about to have sex. I think she is doing it on purpose," Cynthia said through her teeth.

Ben just stood there and just looked at her. Cynthia got up and walked to him, "Ben I love the relationship we're building and I want to go as far as to say that I'm falling in love with you. But we need to set boundaries. You can be there for her but not like this."

"I'm not putting Miranda out when her trauma is still fresh. Was I not suppose to get up and stop her from screaming in her sleep?"

"I don't know but it happens every time we're about to be intimate."

"Maybe we shouldn't then, especially with her in the room not far from us."

"Well you won't come to my place because you don't want to leave her alone. Maybe she should go stay with Antwan, he wanted her to anyway."

Cynthia slightly regretted saying that because of the angry look that came across Ben's face. It confirmed even more that Ben didn't like Antwan around Miranda. And she knew it wasn't because he thought he was a bad guy.

"Cynthia for right now we just don't need to have sex. It doesn't feel right and at this point I think you should leave."

Cynthia gasped, "really Ben?"

"Yes, I'm irritated now and to avoid saying anything else it's just best this way. We can talk tomorrow," Ben said as he opened the door.

Cynthia grabbed her things and left. Ben closed the door without actually saying goodbye. Cynthia felt tears prick her eyes as she walked down the hall.

Ben blew out a breath as he went and showered. When he was done showering and had put on fresh clothes he decided to go back to Miranda's room. When he got on the bed he looked at her and she looked to be sleeping more soundly then she had been. He pulled her body against his and quickly went to sleep.

Miranda woke up feeling Ben breathing on her neck. She remembered that she had Zap a nightmare and Ben came in to comfort her. But she thought that Cynthia was here with him so what was he doing in the bed with her?

The doorbell rang and she realized that's probably what woke her up. Miranda touched Ben's arm, "Ben wake up....someone is ringing the doorbell," Miranda said sleepily.

Ben woke up and heard the doorbell ring again. He slowly got out of the bed and went to answer the door. He swung the door open and was quickly displeased to see Antwan standing there.

"Good morning Ben," Antwan said holding coffee and a bag of food.

"Good morning! I'm going to try not to sound rude when I say this. What are you doing here?"

"Well, I also I'm not trying to sound rude but I'm definitely not here for you. Im here for Miranda and I had mentioned that I wanted to take her away so she could disconnect. So I rented a cabin and we will go hiking and do some camping."

"Well I can tell you don't know much about her because Miranda doesn't like the outdoors," Ben said smugly.

"Well I already told her and she agreed. Why do you have a problem with me seeing Miranda? We were already intimate and I told her I wanted to pursue her."

"Because you are using this situation as an opportunity to pursue her instead of taking care of what she needs," Ben said quickly.

"I have no intentions of taking advantage of her. I care about her for more than her body. And I see how amazing she is so yes I want to date her. But I'm not forcing her into anything. You have a girlfriend so Miranda can have a person too. For her sake I want us to be friends because I know you're important to her. And I'm fine with who she is now so I'm taking the opportunity while I have it," Antwan explained.

Miranda came out of her bedroom dressed, with her purse in hand and she smiled at Antwan. "Good morning beautiful," Antwan said.

Miranda accepted his hug but Ben saw her body stiffen. Ben recalled that when they laid in bed together she was completely relaxed. "Miranda are you okay with going away," Ben asked with slight desperation in his voice.

"Ben I will be fine, Antwan is a good man. I will text you when I get the chance."

"You don't even have anything packed."

"It's okay, I bought everything we will need," Antwan stated.

"And here Ben I was nice enough to buy you coffee and a breakfast bagel. Miranda told me what you liked."

Ben took the coffee and bagel as he watched Antwan and Miranda head to the door. Ben walked behind them and touched Miranda's arm. She turned around and gave him a slight smile.

"I will be okay Benjamin. Someone can take care of me other than you," Miranda said as she hugged him and kissed his cheek.

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