Not What We Thought

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*TRIGGER WARNING: physical and sexual assault.

Several weeks had gone by and everything was going well between Ben and Miranda. They'd adjusted to their new routine but there was one issue that Miranda was having. Dr. Cynthia Bryson was spending a lot of time with Ben, so much so that he was sometimes cancelling the plans they had together.

She and Ben talked about how they felt about each other before he started seeing Cynthia and he knew that she just wanted time to heal properly. That didn't mean start dating other people because she had no plans of dating other men or going back to having one night stands.

Miranda wanted to play it cool but she found it hard to. She felt like Ben was hers and she had to protect what belonged to her. Ben came to visit Miranda in her lab and they were having a conversation when Dr. Bryson came in where they were.

"I'm thinking that Cynthia is the one," Ben said.

"The one for what?" Miranda asked with an attitude.

"Don't do that, she is a good woman and she seems to be interested in who I am. So maybe we will date exclusively and—

"Hey you two, I thought I might find you in here," Cynthia said as she touched Ben's shoulder.

Miranda looked at her hand on his shoulder and her jaw tightened. "Oh really, and why were you looking for him Cynthia," Miranda asked trying to sound pleasant.

Ben's eyes widen because he knew what the different tones in her voice meant.

"We talked about dinner and getting a drink," Cynthia replied.

"Oh....all of us? Ben you didn't tell me we were going out," Miranda said looking at him innocently.

"Oh no not us....just him and I. But maybe another time Miranda."

"I will talk to you later and let me know that you made it home safe," Ben said getting up as Cynthia led him out the lab holding his hand.

"Love you," Ben said before completely walking out.

Miranda groaned she didn't like this at all but she didn't know how she would speak to Ben without it messing with their relationship. They never outright discussed him waiting for her but she thought it was a given. They were best friends and soulmates so why would he start dating another woman?

It was making her have a plethora of emotions that she just didn't want to feel. Miranda finished up in the lab and decided she would go out and have fun.

Miranda stood outside of the bar she first met Ben at and felt like maybe she shouldn't be there. But she felt that way the night she met Ben and look at the friendship she got out of it. So she smoothed her pink wrap dress and walked inside.

Ben and Cynthia had been enjoying each other's company for over a month now. He knew that he and Miranda had expressed their feelings for each other but Cynthia was an amazing woman. She had everything he wanted in a woman and she was already at the place he wanted Miranda to be at mentally and emotionally. And he was ready to settle down and finally start having sex again.

He knew Miranda wasn't fond of what was happening but she hadn't said anything. And Cynthia didn't seem to have a problem with him having a woman as his best friend so he wasn't going to make a fuss out of it.

"Ben are you okay," Cynthia asked as she touched his hand.

"Yeah, sorry....just thinking about a lot of things."

"Hmmmm well we've been dating for over a month now and I care about you so much. And I feel like we could be more," Cynthia said.

"I care about you too Cynthia and you are amazing so I could see more too," Ben replied.

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