To Have And To Hold

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Miranda was walking down the hall at work and when she made it to the nurses station she dropped her stuff on the counter and sucked in air. Since she was six month and her belly had grown, her low back and feet were starting to hurt more. It was just the middle of her shift but she was ready for it to be over. As she stood there and tried to get herself together Ben came up and stood beside her.

"What's wrong baby?" Ben asked.

"Ummm my lower back and feet are aching," Miranda said arching her back.

"Well let's go sit in the on call room and I can give you a quick massage while we talk."

Once they were in the on call room Ben closed the door. He pushed her scrub top up and began to firmly press his thumbs into her lower back. Miranda closed her eyes and groaned as she stood with her hands on her hips. Ben did this for a minute before he moved closer, until Miranda was leaning against him. He placed his hands under her belly and slowly lifted her belly. Miranda gasped then relaxed as she moaned in relief. Ben kissed her neck as he held her and slowly lowered her belly after a minute.

They sat down on the couch that was in the on call room and Ben took her clogs off before he began massaging her feet.  Miranda was so wrapped up in the need for this massage that she forgot she had been trying to avoid having conversation with her fiancée.

"Now that we have a moment we can talk about colors and venues. Oh and most importantly, telling your parents that we're engaged," Ben said.

"I already told my parents months ago?" Miranda exclaimed.

" You told them without me? And why haven't they mentioned it or seem excited? Ben questioned.

"I've been married before and why do we have to do that when I am going on seven months pregnant. We should just go down to the courthouse and get married before the baby arrives."

"The baby was made outside of marriage so why does she have to be born into it?"

"Because I want to be married before she gets here. It doesn't have to be fancy. And at least if we go ahead and get married I can feel better and I will let you plan the wedding of your dreams Benjamin Warren."

"Oh so we can still have a wedding?"

"Yes, don't stop massaging," Miranda fussed.

"I thought you were trying to get out of having a wedding."

"I was but I realize I have to compromise. We can still have a wedding but I want to go head and get married first."

"Okay so what day do you want to go do that?"

"The next time we're both off."

"Okay let me look at our calendar," Ben said pulling out his cell phone.

"Benjamin my feet," Miranda whined.

"Sorry baby," Ben said as he went back to massaging them.

The day came and Miranda stood in the mirror of her bedroom with just a cream, lace bra and panty set on. She was doing her makeup and didn't want to get any on her dress. Ben was getting dressed in one of the guest rooms. They did tell there family and friends that they were getting married but they wanted it to be just the three of them for the courthouse.

Miranda was done with her makeup so she threw on her robe and went to go get Amanda dressed. When she walked into her room Ben was already there getting her ready.

"Awww Ben I was going to get her ready."

"Oh no I was going to get her ready since I was already dressed. I figured you were doing your makeup."

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