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Ben stared at Miranda and she couldn't read his facial expression. "I overstepped, you don't want that right now. I'm so sorry I shouldn't have said anything," Miranda rambled as she backed away.

"Miranda no, you aren't I absolutely want to make love to you. I've fantasized about it for awhile now but I thought it might be too soon for you."

"I thought so too but we know each other and love each other."

"What we have is technically isn't new," Ben said pulling her to him and leaning down closer.

Ben pulled on her bottom lip with his teeth before pushing his tongue into her mouth. Miranda placed her hands on his head as he pulled her by her waist towards the bed. Ben sat down and Miranda stood between his legs as they professed their love with sensual kisses. Ben held her hips as they gave each other quick, sloppy kisses before he began placing kisses on her breast. Miranda threw her head back and moaned sweetly.

Ben began moving his hand up her dress and around to her ass squeezing and caressing it as he kissed her lips and breast. Miranda felt like she was melting with desire for him. And her panties were already soaked with her juices. She quickly began undressing herself so that Ben could see and touch the rest of her body. Ben groaned deeply watching her dress fall away and seeing the blue lace bra and panties she was wearing.

Ben stopped kissing her and looked into her eyes as he rubbed his hands up and down her body. Miranda pulled at the bottom of his shirt and he took it off before unbuckling his belt and lifted up to pull both his pants and boxers down.

Miranda looked down and whimpered seeing his thick girth and was excited for him to fill her with it. Ben pulled her panties down, letting them drop to the floor as she unhooked her bra and let it fall as well.

Miranda got up on the bed and laid down and Ben laid beside her kissing her lips slowly as if to savor the moment. He kissed her breast before taking her left nipple into his mouth making Miranda gasp and arch her back. Ben took his other hand and massaged her right breast while Miranda rubbed his back and gripped the comforter.

"Ben," Miranda moaned sweetly as she felt her juices flowing out steadily.

Ben moved and sucked her right nipple into his mouth, giving it just as much attention as he'd given the left. Miranda rolled her hips wanting him to touch her but Ben seemed to be enjoying the slow, pleasurable, torture he was providing her.

Ben watched her facial expressions as he licked, flicked and sucked on her nipples. Though Miranda had been abstinent for a couple of years, none of the men she'd been with before paid this much attention to her breast.

Miranda felt her orgasm rising within her which made her moan loudly. Ben groaned hearing Miranda's sweet moans and although he wanted to take her and just be deep inside of her he wanted to savor their first time making love.

"Ben baby please," Miranda whispered.

Ben immediately knew what she meant by that and moved his hand down her body until he was palming her mound. Miranda rolled her hips so that she was rubbing her pussy against his hand. Miranda moaned loudly feeling herself getting closer to cumming when Ben slipped his finger between her lips while firmly rubbed her clit.

"Ahhhh Ben," Miranda screamed as she came and her body spasmed as her orgasm raced through her.

Ben groaned as he kissed her lips and then smiled. He looked into her eyes without relenting his touch on her clit. He continued to rub gently but firmly as he watched her facial expressions and he felt the pain of his hard, throbbing dick underneath him.

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