Whis x female saiyan reader

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Hi, my name's Angeluque, but you may call me Angie. This is my first one-shot, but I had this idea and had to write it. Enjoy! Picture of Beerus and Whis above.

Y/N's pov:

Curse these mood swings and cramps! I mentally cursed myself. Let me start from the beginning. I'm (y/n), a half saiyan and Goku's only daughter. I'm only one year younger then Gohan. But let's just start with today.

My father, Vegeta and I returned yesterday from training with Whis. When it comes to getting stronger, I'm exactly like my father. And I've also developed feelings for Whis. I mean he is this cutest person I've ever met. I don't know if he feels the same. I was knocked out of my thoughts with a sharp pain in my abdomen and I immediately knew what that ment. I was currently sitting at the table eating breakfast and my father turned to me and saw I had a look of pain on my face. "You okay (y/n)?" He asked worried. "I'm fine, I just think the week of hell is here." I said and excused myself and ran to the bathroom for some pads.

Goku's pov:

Chi Chi, Goten and I froze, Chi Chi and I knew what that meant but Goten was confused. "What did sis mean?" He asked as he finished his breakfast. "It's nothing, just prepare yourself. It's gonna be a crazy week." I said, half afraid of remembering last month. I said the wrong thing and got beat up pretty bad for it, and worst of all Vegeta witnessed it. "Okay, I'm going to play with Trunks." Goten said and flew to Capsule Corp. (Y/n) came downstairs and helped washing the dishes.

Y/N's pov:

After I helped mom washing the dishes I went to dad that was about to go somewhere. "Where are you off to?" I asked curious. He turned around to face me. "I'm going to Capsule Corp, I want to challenge Vegeta." Goku said, laughing while rubbing his neck. "Can I come? I want to fight too." I asked, giving him my puppy dog eyes. "Of course you can." He said and we flew off to Capsule Corp.

3rd pov:

They arrived after a while of (y/n) complaining and yelling at Goku. The poor saiyan had no idea what to say. Apparently his daughter had a crush on someone but she talked so much nonsense that he was confused who it was. But he promised to himself that if this person hurt his beloved daughter, he'll find him and kill him for hurting (y/n). When they landed on the balcony, Goku and (y/n) went straight to Vegeta.

Y/N's pov:
"Please Vegeta can't we sparr for a while." Goku asked Vegeta. Vegeta only glared at Goku and crossed his arms. "And why should I fight you?" He asked. "Aww come on Vegeta! Please!" I begged, giving him my puppy dog eyes. It usually works. Vegeta was almost convinced. "No!" He finally said. My mood switched and my energy started to rise. I charged at Vegeta and punched him in the face. He was surprised. "The week of hell is here people!" I yelled and Vegeta then understood my sudden mood change, and being half saiyan, makes things worse. Vegeta and Goku powered up and charged at me. They had to calm my mood and fighting me seemed to be the best idea.

Time skip
We've been fighting for three hours and we were out of breath. All three of us were at SSB. We landed and were greeted by two people. "That was a epic fight, too bad I didn't fight myself." Someone said and we saw Lord Beerus and Whis. "It seems like (y/n) wasn't fighting like herself, I believe she could have done some damage, my lord." Whis said, wondereding what's different. I blushed when I saw Whis inspecting me. "I-is something w-wrong?" I asked the Angel and stepped back, I was freaking out and I don't usually freak out. I hate these hormones! I mentall yelled at myself. He was so close, my mood changed and I sent a ki blast at him. He dodged and everyone was surprised. "I-I-I'm sorry." I said and started crying. That even made Whis shocked. Goku came closer and sat down next to me. "Is it your mood swings again?" He asked soothingly and I nodded.

Whis' pov:

I was surprised, just yesterday she was fine but now (y/n's) moods are changing and she also fought different. I looked at Vegeta for an explanation but he grunted. "Ask Bulma, she'll explain it better than me but it's a thing all females go through every month. The code name we have for it is 'the week of hell'. That's all I'm saying." He said and I went to find lady Bulma. I found her in the kitchen and asked her about it and I told her that Vegeta said that she'll explain it better. "First thing first, it's called the menstrual cycle." Bulma said and explained everything to me. At the end of her explanation I was blushing a bit. I nodded and went to find (y/n).

Y/N's pov:

I started at the settings sun, holding on to my stomach, the cramps were getting worse. I felt someone sitting next to me. I looked up and saw it was Whis. "Hi. Sorry about earlier." I said, trying to ignore the cramps. "It's fine. I asked Bulma and she explained everything. Mortals are sure interesting. Next time I see Vados or any of my sisters, I'll ask them if they go through this too." Whis said half amused and handed me a thermal bag. "Thanks. I never knew you had other siblings other than Vados." I replied, surprised. He chuckled. "All together we're 12 siblings. 4 daughter and 8 sons. Our father must have had a hand full with us." Whis said. He's probably thinking back to the old days. "Growing up with siblings is fun, having one older and younger brother." I said. I continued to look at the stars. I noticed Whis looking at me from time to time and a bluch grew on my face. Suddenly an instinct kicked in and turned around so that I was ontop of him and kissed him. Both of us was blushing darkly. I realized what I did and tried to get off him, but Whis has gripped my waist and pulled my closer. "I love you (y/n) and I have for a while." Whis confessed. I was surprised. "I love you too. But are you ready for this week? Ask anyone of the Z fighters, I do lose control of my power sometimes." I said and Whis laughed. "I am an Angel remember. You won't be able to hurt me." Whis said. "Fun fact, our house got destroyed over 10 times because of me or my dad." I said. I laid my head on Whis' chest and fell asleep with a smile on my face.

Whis pov:

(Y/n) fell asleep. She looks so cute when she sleeps. I kissed her forehead and she snuggle closer to me. That made me smile. Goku came up to check on her and I motioned him to stay quiet. He nodded and understood, but he gave me that look all fathers give when they find out who's their daughter's boyfriend. "Don't worry Goku. I'll protect her no matter what." I said to the saiyan. "As long as she's happy and safe, I'll be fine with it." Goku said and walked away. Whis is the strongest in the 7th universe. Goku though as he left.

I carefully picked (y/n) up and carried her into Capsule Corp and laid her down on the beds in one of the spare rooms. "Sleep well, (y/n)." I said and walked to Lord Beerus. "Good, now let's go home. I think I'll take a 3 year nap." Beerus said and held onto Whis' shoulder. He tapped his staff and they flew off home. Maybe I'll visit tomorrow too. Whis though as they traveled through space.

3rd pov:
Somewhere in space
"Let's pay my dear brother a little visit." A mysterious voice spoke. "Of course my lord." A female voice answered and they traveled to a new direction.

How was that? My very first one-shot.


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