Shin X reader

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Requested by itnotmelol
I hope it's to your expectation. Enjoy!

(Y/n's) pov:
It's a peaceful beautiful day on the Sacred World Of The Kai's. Kibito, Elder kai, Shin and I were drinking tea, enjoying each other's company. Kibito and I are both Shin's guards that were to look after him. Well, me being the one with more knowledge that has to teach him more about his role as Supreme Kai. No, I'm not a kai but a different devine being. I spaced out and started thinking about my brother. I haven't seen him in a long time. "(Y/n)? Your spacing out." Shin said, waving his hand in front of my face. I blinked back into reality and a dark blush krept on my face. "S-sorry." I mumbled, looking down, still looking down. Kibito and Elder kai shook their head. Shin had a light blush on his face. The two know the feelings the qe had for each other. We're just too afraid to admit it.

I felt a familiar energy. My (e/c) eyes lit up. He's here. I looked up. One of the sun shone in my eyes. My (h/l) (h/c) hair fell back and flowed like a river in the gentle breeze. I jumped up immediately. The other three kais fell over in fear. I ran to the spot I knew he'll land at. I've learned to know his style of landing. Soon enough the beautiful white lights touched down to the ground. "Whis!" I explained, hugging my Angel friend. "Greetings (y/n). How are you?" The taller Angel asked, smiling sweetly. "I've been doing great. How come you haven't visited in the last 100 years!" I said sadly. "Apologies (y/n). You know how a sertain person has kept me busy." Whis whispered. I giggled. "Oh, I've finished the books you lend me." I smiled.

"What about me?" A grumpy sounding voice asked. "Of course I haven't forgotten about my brother." I smiled and attacked him into a hug. The cat destroyer smiled and returned the hug. "B-brother!?" Shin asked confused and shocked. Whis laughed and Elder kai shook his head. Kibito face palmed. I smiled at the short kai. "Yep. The twin destroyers: Lord Beerus and Lord Champa are infact my older brothers." I said cheerfully. I took a deep breath and transformed into my true form. Looking exactly like Lord Beerus, only a female version. I swore I saw Shin and Elder kai having a nose bleed. An irik mark appeared on my head an I smaked Elder kai upside down. I turned to Lord Beerus and slapped him. Hard. "That's for not visiting!" I yelled at him.

Whis sighed knowing this will turn into an argument. "Now I know where she gets her anger from." Kibito said, sweat dropped. Shin was too shocked to say anything. Sure enough Whis was right, Beerus and I started fighting. "ENOUGH!" Whis yelled so that we can hear him and trust me when Whis rase his voice, it's pretty scary. The two of us stopped and landed infront of the Angel. Our heads were down and our tails were drooping. "We're sorry." We mumbled. Whis sighed. "I think we should get going. There are troubles that has to be solved. It was wonderful seeing you again (y/n). We'll visit again soon." Whis smiled and the two blasted off. I waved to them as the lights disappeared. "Why didn't anyone tell me that (y/n) is the sister of Lord Beerus?" Shin asked. "We're just as lost as you." Elder kai said, sitting up. "Sorry you guys. Anyways I'm going to take a shower." I said while laughing nervously.

I walked to the small temple and entered my room. I walked straight into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I quickly undressed and stepped underneath the hot shower. It felt nice. My thoughts immediately dwelled to Shin. I'm in love with my brother's life-link and I've lied to Shin the entire time. I pretended to be a kai. Whis has taught me how. I became a guard to Supreme Kai to make sure my brother will stay safe too. Now I've fallen for the kai I was ment to protect. I wonder what he'll ever think of me now.

Shin's pov:
I can't belive it. I can't belive I was so stupid. I have always felt (y/n's) energy is closed to the twin destroyers. It was my fault for not searching into it more. But that doesn't change anything, I still love (y/n) even if she's my life-link's sister. Lord Beerus is definitely going to kill me for this, but I'm going to confess my love to her. "I'm going to do it!" I said out loud, getting some confidence. "Do what sir?" Kibito asked, puzzled. "I'm going to confess to her." I said with determination burning in my black orbs. "Good luck with that. We'll search for a suitable replacement after Lord Beerus has trapped you in the Z sword." Elder kai spoke up from where he was drinking his tea. "Have more faith great ancestor!" I cried out. Losing every drop of confidence. "Just saying." Elder kai said and received a glare from Kibito. "Just go tell her." Kibito urged. "Alright. I'll go." I said and stood up.

I walked to the temple and stood infront of her door. I knocked on the wooden door. "Wait just a minute!" Came the beautiful voice of (y/n). Not long after the door opened. Revealing (y/n) with a towel wrapped around her. "Shin. With what can I help you?" She asked. She was back into her other form. Her (h/c) hear was dripping wet and sticked to her frame. Her (e/c) eyes shone with wonder. A blush spread on my cheeks. "Umm... I've- I've come to tell you something." I stuttered. Damn these nerves! "Sure come right in." She welcomed me in. I freaked out but calmly stepped inside. I sat on her bed as she dried her hair using her powers. "How can I help you?" She asked again.

I took a deep breath. "(Y/n), I don't care if your brother is Lord Beerus. You see over the years I have fallen in love with you and I'm asking you if you would like to be my girlfriend." I said and waited anxiously for her response. Her eyes were widened but were still beautiful.

(Y/n's) pov:
Am I dreaming? Is this happening? I snapped out of my thoughts. "Shin. I have fallen in love with you too." I smiled, tilting my head to the side and happy tears forming. Shin breathed out in relive. The shorter kai attacked me into a hug. I placed a kiss on his forehead. He looked up to me and kissed my lips. It was devine. I could taste the flavor of tea he had earlier. I took it further and licked his bottom lip. Shin opened his mouth and let me explore his mouth. In return, he explord mine as well.

Soon we broke apart and saw the position we were in. I was lying on my bed with Shin hovering over me. I placed my hand over his shoulders. I laughed as we caught our breath. The towel was long forgotten, lying on the ground next to the bed. Shin blushed seeing my naked underneath him. An idea popped in my head. I turned us around so that he was underneath me and I was straddling his hips. The poor Kai was a glowing stick at the moment, his face was a bright red. Putting tomatoes, apples and everything red to shame. "Your cute when you blush." I commented. "Oh yeah. You try to act normal when you're looking straight into boobs." Shin huffed. "Where did all the confidence come from?" I asked him. Pecking his lips. "From a serain kai that's not a kai." He smiled. "So from me then." I smiled. I'm glad he did pick up on some of my lessons. "Now let's just have some fun, shall we?" I asked him. "You needed to ask, my Lady?" He replied. I'm liking this attitude. I smiled and pleasure him like no one else can ever imagine to.

"I love you." I said, lying out of breath next to the short Supreme Kai. His mohawk was a total mess. "Love you too." Shin replied, falling asleep after our activity. I pulled him closer and threw the blanket over us. I placed a quick kiss on his forehead and fell asleep myself. We can deal with my two brothers tomorrow.

Done! I've finally finished this one. It came out great. I had the entire weekend to write it since I was inside and it was raining. And btw I've watched the Dragon Ball Super: Super Heros movie. It was good. Lord Beerus tho💀 I don't know. Is Beerlai a ship now? Whis' appearance made me cry. Literally. I like his looks from the series much more. Anyways...

Until next time my Dragon crew


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