Vados X female reader ☆part 2☆

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Requested by itnotmelol

A/n: I don't know if I can make it a lemon. I don't know how to do them with females and I'm not 100% comfortable with it. But WARNING: plot twist ahead. Get ready for it. Enjoy~

(Y/n's) pov:
I was super excited. Butterflies wouldn't leave my stomach for one second. Hit came by earlier that morning by the bakery and he thought I was acting strange. He almost sent me to Dr. Rhea again. I could still sence his energy around the bakery. In all honesty, it's annoying. The bakery soon closed up but the real fun just began. Now it was the assassin's time to pay a visit. To say I wasn't busy was an understatement. I had to order new shipping, noticeboard was taken care of and had to help some of the assassins. I kicked them all out at 20:30.

I had to get ready for my date. The day went by fast if you were busy.


20:55. I stood at the fountain in the town centre. The black water shone in the moonlight that made everything appear beautiful and gave off a silver glow. It was not long when I heard the familiar clatter of her heels. Vados came to sit next to me. She smiled at me. Her smile is the most beautiful thing in this universe. "Follow me." The female attendant orderd me. I followed obediently.

We came to a small clearing, decorated in fairy lights. In the middle was a table with a few snacks on. "Wow, Vados. Did you do all of this?" I asked the female. I was surprised. Vados smiled at me. God that smile. "Yes." She replied shortly. Her voice was smooth and damn, I can listen to it all day.

Vados and I were just enjoying the food and chatting to each other. It's the best time of my life. I never picked Vados for the one to cause trouble. We were talking a bit about my back story. "...and my father walked through the door and banged his head against the pan. That was actually meant for someone else. Hit and I were in major trouble but it was worth it after seeing my brother getting trapped in the cobweb." I said, grinning. That was a funny memory. Vados laughed too. "You and my brother Moijo would make a wonderful trouble causing team. I remember once when he whacked Korn with a treestump. Moijo was in trouble by Korn, his twin because they have a special connection that let's the other feel the pain and Moijo was in trouble by Father. I think he was grounded for 2 months." Vados chuckled. I laughed too.

At the moment Vados and I were laying on a blanket looking at the stars. I traced the constellations with my eyes. Suddenly Vados rolled around so she was ontop of me. I blushed a bright red. (E/c) eyes met violet ones. Her violet eyes were bright, shining with happiness and behind that was an emotion that I didn't know. Vados leaned down and slowly started to kiss me. I was in heaven. Her lips were so soft against mine. I started kissing back. It soon started to become a battle for dominance. She won obliviously. We broke apart for air and as I was catching my breath, Vados started plant small quick kisses from my jaw all the way to my neck. I relased a small moan when Vados finally found my weak spot. I could feel her smirk against my neck. That's when I also started to feel that somethings not right. It was all of a sudden too quiet.

Vaods lifted me up so that I was sitting infront of her. Her gaze locked with mine, for a split second sorrow flickered in her eyes and then I heard it. A loud BANG! and then pain. My eyes widened, I would be able to recognize that sound everywhere. I looked down to my chest. "No..." I whispered. I couldn't belive it. Red stained the area where my heart is located. I looked up at Vados. Red stained a small area of her face. She had a menacing grin. I looked back to the rooftop. "R-R-Red-eye?" I asked, seeing the figure of the sniper. "The one and only." He replied with a smile. "You know. I always liked the colour red and it seemed to suit you well." He said, jumping down to join us. "V-V-Vados, whay?" I asked her, tears brimming my eyes. She sighed. "I had to get rid of you. Just imagine what a disgrace I would be to my family if my father found out I was lesbian. Wake up (y/n)! I never liked you. I was using you." She said. "When you hired me to kill someone. I never knew it would be my mentor. Sorry (y/n) but you know if a customer pays good, I won't hesitate to do the job." Red-eye said.

I glared at Red-eye. "Hit will come for you. If not he's already on the way." I smiled, coughing up blood. Vados stepped back, eyes widened slightly. "I smirked at the pair. "You see. Hit and I have a transmitter. If one of us are in trouble, the other would be warned and come to the other's rescue." I said, coughing more blood.

Vados' pov:
'I should have rather shipped her off to the 7th or 9th universe. Never mind. Whis already has a fondness towards her and Moijo might like her too.' I thought. I mentally calmed myself. "Farewell (y/n). I accidentally did like you at a stadium but the family's strict. You know. My father would destroy this universe. I had to make a plan and letting you live is not one of them!" I growled. I summoned my staff and tapped it. "Farewell." I smiled and went back to Lord Champa's world. Just in time too. Hit arrived on the scene.

Hit's pov:
I received the notification. (Y/n) is in trouble. 'No, no, no, no, no, noo' I thought as I ran to her location, her energy was dropping fast. I used my time skip too to freeze the time. Hopefully (y/n) will live longer then. Not long I arrived at the clearing. It was dark and empty. (Y/n) lay in the middle, bleeding out. I heard shuffling. I glanced to where the noise came from, to see no one. "H-Hit." (Y/n) said weakly. In an instant I was next to her. A puddle of blood surrounded her. Tears formed in my eyes. "Don't worry. We'll get you to Dr. Rhea." I said. She looked up at me with (e/c) eyes. "R-Red-e-eye d-did this." She spoke. It took her energy. "Shhh, don't speak. Focus on restoring your energy. I'll kill Red-eye later." I said worried and angry at the same time. (Y/n) trained Red-eye. He wouldn't kill his mentor unless the pay was good or he was threatened. Maybe he didn't even know it was her untill it was too late. (Y/n) smiled up at me. "Y-you told m-me that the 7th universe h-had that wishing orbs. T-try to wish me back." She said, closing her eyes.

"I will." I said determined. It's a good thing I have that hexahedron(?). "(Y/n), I love you. Always has and always will." I said, even if she won't return those feelings, I would still be there for her. "I-I only realise it now but, I l-love you too Hit." (Y/n) said. "Good bye." She breathed her last breath and became still. A single tear fell from her eyes. Her (h/c) hair was matted in her own blood. Tears began to fall fom my eyes as I cradled her unmoving from. "No, no, no, no, NOOOOO!!!!" I cried to the world. I don't care who heard me. I will bring (y/n) back and I'll keep her in the 7th universe. Whoever hired Red-eye, didn't want her to live in the 6th universe anymore. "I promise." I whispered to (y/n's) corps.

After a while I stood up and picked her up. I jumped over the roof and used time skip. People don't have to see. In no time I came to Mt hide out. (Y/n) has changed me. She made me appreciate life again and I will not lose her. I promised that to her parents. I covered her wounds and placed her in the Hexahedron. 'Goku, I hope your ready for me.' I thought as I started the thing and as quick as Dyspo, went to the 7th universe.

Done! Didn't expect that, did you? Sorry for changing it to a Hit X reader 😅 but it was fun. I would love to know what you thought.

I'm so excited. My birthday is 2 days away. Today is Sunday the 26th of March. My birthday is Tuesday the 28th of March. I can't wait! I'm turning 16!!!!!

Until next time my Dragon crew


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