Dyspo x reader

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A/n: don't worry. I didn't add Akila in this one. I'm busy with another one shot that would be probably finished by next week.

You were exited. Today you decided to go visit Lord Belmod, but little did you know that the Pride Troopers were also there.

You arrived at the temple. You couldn't wait to see Belmod again. Most people would wonder why? Well, it's simple, you are the younger sibling of Belmod. Even though at first glance the two of you don't look related. You got your (h/c) and (e/c) from your mother's side.

Before you could knock on the door, it opened by itself and someone was sent flying. Marcarita came out and gave you a death hug. The person that flew though, stood up and dusted off his black and red uniform. "Was that necessary?" She gave him a small smile and he rolled his eyes. "O-okay, Marcarita. Your crushing me!" You exclaimed and she let you go. "Sorry." She said smiling. "So... how's my brother doing?" You asked her and the Pride Trooper glanced at you confused. "Your brother!?" The purple bunny asked. "Umm... who are you?" You asked him. "I'm Dyspo, member of the Pride Troopers and...." He was interrupted by Toppo, Jiren and Lord Belmod walking towards the three of you. Belmod was chuckling. "Mr. Toppo!" You exclaimed and gave the man a hug. He smiled and returned it. Belmod was stunned by you ignoring him. "So I'm not important anymore?" Belmod asked in a fake sad voice. You smiled and pretended to think. "Hmmm.... let's see...... nope, I can't remember that you were." You said. Toppo and Marcarita laughed at the two of you. Belmod pretended to cry. "I can't belive it! Rejected by my own sister!!" Belmod cried and you laughed at him. "Of curse not my dear brother. Your the only family I can trust." You said and he had a serious face. "Was it mother again?" He asked and you nodded and stared to cry. He wrapped his arms around you and calmed you. "It's okay. She won't hurt you here, but was your traveling fun?" He asked and you pulled away to look at your brother.

"Yep, I saw a lot of interesting planets and I kept up with my training." You said proudly and Dyspo was confused. "Ohh, how many races did you win?" Marcarita asked. "Most of them, but some were pretty fast. I had a race against Whis." You said. "And?" Marcarita asked. "He won of course, but I think I can almost match your speed and I also sparred against the saiyan called Goku. He's pretty strong for a mortal. In a fight, never underestimate a saiyan. They'll prove you wrong if you think their weak." You said and told them a bit about your travels in different universes. Belmod was proud of you, Marcarita was listening like this was the most interesting thing she ever heard in her immortal life, Dyspo was staring at you, Toppo and Jiren just listened to the to your stories in the 7th universe. "I would love to visit again. The people of earth are so friendly and caring. Next time you can come with me, big brother." You said, excitement sparkling in your eyes. This made Belmod smile at his sister. "I would love to." He replied to his lil' sis and patted your hair.

You were all inside the temple and Dyspo came up to you. "Do you wanna race?" He asked and you nodded your head eagerly. You heard stories of his speed and how he broke the sound barrier. Belmod and Marcarita smirked. They both know how it will end. "Race you from the entrance to the huge tree on the other side of the world." Dyspo said. You nodded your head and Belmod glared at Dyspo. "Don't destroy my garden!" He threatened the purple rabbit."of course Lord Belmod." He said and we walked to the entrance of the temple. "3...2...1... GO!" Marcarita yelled and you and Dyspo sprinted off. "Wow, (y/n) is surely faster than before." Toppo said, staring after you two that was long out of sight.

You were just behind Dyspo and quickly ran faster to run besides him. In the far distance you could see the gigantic tree. Dyspo swiftly turned left amd right to avoid rocks and running straight into the garden that was now on your left side. You had to admit that Belmod had a beautiful garden. It had all sorts of flowers and plants in them. You smirked as an idea popped into your head. You stuck out your foot to trip him but he quickly jumped over it. You hissed in annoyance and he turned to smile at you. You stuck out your tongue and he just chuckled. That's when another idea popped into your head. You smirked evilly, luckily Dyspo didn't see it. You dropped a bit of speed, running behind him. Dyspo was surprised and confused but thought that your getting tired. He focused on the road infront of him. Truth be told, you could easily win Dyspo, but you wanted to mess with him. You grabbed his tail and pulled hard. He yelped in surprise and pain. You quickly passed him and sent a smirk his way. You reached the tree in no time. You patently waited for Dyspo to show up. He eventually reached the huge tree. "Damn, your fast. I would love to race you again." Dyspo said after catching his breath. You smiled at him and handded him a bottle of water wich he gladly accepted.

You closed the distance between the two of you. "(Y-Y/N) what are you doing?" He asked surprised and blushed a bit. He wanted to aske another question but you silenced him by placing your lips on his. Dyspo was a blushing mess now, while you blushed a little bit he kissed you back after a while you both broke apart for air. "I love you." You said to the purple rabbit. "I love you too." He replied, making you smile. You both were interrupted by a through being cleared. You looked behind you to see your brother and Marcarita. Marcarita looked very happy and excited, she couldn't wait to ask you a lot of questions. Belmod on the other hand looked angry, but calmed down because he knew his sister deserves to be happy with someone that loves her and he knew Dyspo isn't a bad person. There was a long moment of silence between you all. "Fine, but if he does something, I'll hakai him." Belmod finally said. You were happy and hugged your brother. "Thank you thank you thank you!!!" You shouted. Belmod smiled at you. He's happy his lil' sis is happy.

From that day on you and Dyspo were together. Sometimes when he has a few days off, the two of you would visit other universes. Dyspo asked you to marry him after the two of you were dating for years. Belmod approved of course, the two of you lived happily and started a small family.

How was that? I wrote it a bit different and I didn't add Akila this time. I kinda rushed the story to finish it so that I can publish it for you guys. The weather is really hot here in my country, but hey, I can't complain Western Cape is known to have all the seasons in one day. Yes, I live in the amazing country called South Africa😂
Until next time...


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