Goku Black x reader

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A/n: don't worry. I haven't added Akila in this one. She might be mentioned, but not by name. Hope you enjoy this chapter. Sorry if it's crap, I sort of struggled writing this and it came out very long. It's out earlier than I thought😅 There will be a lot of spelling errors, I didn't check my spelling and besides English is my second language, I'm not too good at it.

(Y/n's) pov:
You were sitting on a hill, watching the sun set. You couldn't believe, just yesterday you were in that hellhole. You gritted your teeth and narrowed your eyes as you though of Black and his counter part, Zamasu. Trunks brought you to the past to keep you safe from that monster. As much as you protested, he didn't listen. You shivered at the memory of Black kidnapping you. His counter part was curious of your parents and where you came from.

You were different from everyone you knew in the future. For a human, you were pretty strong. You never knew your parents, Bulma found you at the entrance of Capsule Corp and practically raised you. Trunks is like a brother to you. You were so lost in though that you didn't notice someone sitting next to you. The person placed their hand on your shoulder and you flinched away. "Sorry didn't mean to startel you." The voice said, shyly. You turned to see none other than yourself, (y/n).

"No, it's fine. Do you need anything?" You asked the little you. It felt strange. The little you took a deep breath. "Do you know why we're different?" She asked, looking up to you with (e/c) eyes. "No, I don't know either, but when I was kidnapped, Zamasu was very curious about me and I sometimes heard him and Black talking about something about a kai. I don't know. He was very mysterious." You said, thinking about your time there. "Sorry for bothering you." Presnt you said and you just smiled. "Don't worry, someday we'll find out about our real parents." You said and smiled.

You saw the little you run off to play with Trunks and Goten. You went to sit next to Bulma and gave her a hug. "Thank you. Thank you for raising me and helping us now. You are the best mom I could have asked for." You said while hugging the female. "Thank you. And I'll always help my children. No matter if their from the future or any other timeline." She said and smiled. A hand patted your (h/c) hair and you looked up to see Goku. He gave you a goofy smile that made you smile. You could see Vegeta and F Trunks talking.

You noticed the destroyer and his Angel watching you. It made you feel a bit weird. You walked over to them. "Umm... may I ask why your watching me? It's kind of creepy, you know!" You said, half angry at the two. "Deepest apologies, lady (y/n). Your energy reminds us of a friend." Whis said, looking at lord Beerus. Lord Beerus nodded his head. "Right, a very close friend indeed. Maybe we should pay this friend a visit." Lord Beerus said. His eyes narrowed and he seemed a bit angry. You stood there confused. "So... you know my parents?" You asked. "I guess. We first have to go and ask him." Lord Beerus said. "And don't forget we have to find out about the timering (y/n) told us about." Whis reminded Beerus. "I know." He replied back to his Angel attendant. "Wait. I think I can help with Black." You said and their attention was on you. "Black and Zamasu works together on their 'Zero mortal' plan. Not only that, they are counter parts, which means they are..." You started, but was interrupted. "The same person." Whis finished for you. Goku and the others were shocked. There were silence between everyone. You then stood up. "I'm tired. I'm going to sleep." You said and walked to a room. Just then a portal opened. "WHERE IS SHE!!!???" A voice you learned well, shouted. You froze. It's him!

Goku Black managed to come in this timeline. Goku and the others treid to keep him away from you, but failed. He found you. "So my little pet. Treid to escape me?" Black asked you and you quickly shook your head. He smirked. This cause Trunks to growl. He drew his sword, ready to attack Black. Black disappeared and reappeared behind you. He grabbed you. "Your mine, remember?" He asked and chuckled. Trunks and Vegeta was furious. Trunks sent a ki blast towards Black, but it missed.

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