Future Trunks X Hybrid reader (Half vampire, half werewolf)

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A/n: Hiii. Here it is. I think I kinda went over board but I enjoyed writing this one shot. I love the supernatural.
Requested by YourLaLovess
*Spelling not checked*

(Y/n's) pov:
"Not again, mom!" I complained as we sat in the living room of the pack house. I hated this conversation. "(Y/n), your the alpha of this pack. The other wolves would start to wonder why their alpha hasn't found their mate yet." The woman spoke. Her voice still held authority. Because I'm an alpha, it had no effect on me. "Mom. Luna will give me my mate when the time is right. It took mom a while to meet dad and he's a vampire. Maybe mine isn't a wolf too." I said. The black haired sighed. "Your right but I don't want you be treated like I was." She said softly. I smiled knowing my mother only wanted to protect me. The door suddenly flew open and my beta ran in. "Alpha (l/n)!" The brown haired male exclaimed. "Good evening Mrs (l/n)." He greeted my mother when he saw her. "What is it Sam?" I asked him. He looked back to me. His green eyes seemed troubled. "There is an intruder at the northern border. A male with blue hair, carrying a sword. He's badly injured." Sam informed. 'Blue hair?' I thought. "Human?" I asked him. "By his sent, yes." Sam informed me. "David took him to the pack hospital. He's healing faster than a normal human. Maybe he isn't human. Danica is currently healing him." Sam continued. Danica is a vampire that has a healing ability. Even though we can heal by ourselves, sometimes the injuries are to bad to heal normally.

After my mother met my father and married each other, his clan and my mother's pack merged. Now we're one huge community. We're allowed in each other's territories and some of my pack members have found their mates in dad's clan. "Thanks Sam. Tell Danica to call me once he wakes up. He has a lot of explaining to do. It was agreed that no human stepps in my land. I own this entire land. Of course there is neutral lands too. "I will." He replied. "You may leave." I said and he went back to the hospital. "That's interesting. Your father is at his clan, taking care of some business. I'm heading over. Someone has been crossing the border each time. Sent unknown." Mom said. "Witchese? Other Vampires?" I asked her. "I don't know." She sighed. "Be over for dinner." She said. "Okay mom. Let me know what you guys find. I'll go over to the hospital." I said and we went our separate ways. I wonder who this human is and what he's doing in my land, something is not adding up.

I arrived at the hospital and everyone dipped their heads. As I got closer to the room, the most intoxicating sent filled my nose. I loved the smell. It smelled the woods, earth and flowers. I opened the door and my black eyes landed on the blue haired male. The two voice in my head began to speak.
'It's him, it's him, it's him!' My wolf, Midnight, said cheerfully. 'Calm down.' I sweat dropped. 'I must agree with her. He's good looking. He's definitely the one.' My vampire, Rhea agreed. 'Let's not rush anything. Who knows if is acceptable. You know how some humans are.' I reminded them. "But your both not wrong, he is perfect. Just look at him!' I said. 'I want to have a taste of his blood.' Rhea said. 'No, then it will only show he's ours.' I said. I could imagine Rhea rolling her red eyes at me. 'He'll be ours as soon as he accepts us as his mate.' Midnight said, her brown eyes excited. In my mind, I ruffled her black fur. 'I don't know, he is human. Maybe we should test him a little.' I said. 'Let's Di it!' Rhea agreed. 'I don't know but let's see. I'm curious to see how a human would do.' Midnight finally agreed. My mental conversation was interrupted by the blue haired male waking up. I stayed quiet, seeing what he's doing.

The male shot up, wide eyes, scanning the room, fear was in his sent. "Relax. Your safe." I spoke up. He shot up and dashed towards me. He started choking me. I was stunned at his speed and strength. Danica walked in to check on him and saw him choking me. "Alpha (l/n)!" She cried out. I motioned for her to back down. My one eye turned red and the other turned brown. Rhea and Midnight were in control now. My hair changed from (h/c) to black. Which seemed to surprise the male. Using Midnight's strength, I threw him off me and using Rhea's speed, I ran around him and paralysed him. "Alpha, are you okay?" Danica asked. "I'm perfectly fine. It's going to take more than that to take me down." I smiled over to her. "I-I can't move." The human spoke. His voice sounded like heaven. Now that I noticed it. He had blue eyes, like another human I met a long time ago. "Who are you and what are you doing here on my land?" I asked the human, using my alpha command. "My name is Trunks. I-I was fighting Black and I followed him to the woods. He found out I followed him and shot me. I fell at a huge rock and next thing I know, I wake up here. I thought he kidnapped me." Trunks said. "Well Trunks, your safe here. My name is (y/n) (l/n)." I introduced myself. "Why did I answer your question without hesitation?" He asked me. "I used my alpha command. It's irresistible. If you disobey an alpha command, it could kill you." I explained. "Alpha command? What are you, some kind of actor?" Trunks asked, rolling his blue eyes. "Nice try human, (y/n) might have played things nice but I'm not so nice. Mock me or my people, I'll kill you, draining every last drop of your blood!" Rhea hissed. Taking over of my body. Trunks stared wide eyes as my eyes turned red. 'Wow, way to go Rhea. Taking my body over.' I said sarcastically in my minds. For showing off, Rhea showed him her fangs. "Rhea! Your father wouldn't like that!" Danica scolded. "Give (y/n) back control of her body and Midnight, don't try and think it. Or else no hunting!" Danica continues to scold the vampire and wolf.

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