Whis X female saiyan reader ☆Part 2☆

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3rd pov:
It was like the calm before the storm. Since that night, nothing has ever been the same. Something always felt off and there was not many to talk to.

(Y/n's) pov:
It's been a few years since our daughter, (d/n) has been born. She's almost 5 now and looks more like her father with her small cute halo, blue skin and violet eyes but she has my looks. She's very attached to Lord Beerus, ever since he had to baby sit her.

"Are you sure Whis? I don't think it's a good idea." I said to my husband as we stood outside. "You need some time out. Besides it would be you, Vados and Kusu." He commented. He's not lying, it's been a while since I last just hang with the two girls. Mom, dad and the other Z fighters already met (d/n). "I guess. I just can't help but feel that somethings going to happen." I mumbled. Whis hugged me tightly. "This is my two older sisters we're talking about, they are powerful enough to destroy universes." Whis reminded me. "Thanks. I'm glad I met you." I said, smiling and kissed Whis on his nose. The taller Angel smiled and kissed my forehead. "Lord Beerus and I can look after (d/n)." Whis reassured me.

Just a few seconds later, Vados landed. "Lord Champa is asleep. Ready to go?" She asked. Vados sounded excited to spend some time with sister in law and older sister. "Yup. Let's go." I said, excited to see my bestie again. The two siblings had a quick discussion that I couldn't even hear. Vados smiled at her younger brother and nod her head as if she understood and got the message. I tilted my head in confusion. "Huh?" I asked. Vados walked over and held onto my shoulder. She tapped her staff and we teleported off to universe 10.

We met up with Kusu as a restaurant on a beautiful planet. "Hey, Kusu!" I greeted the short Angel. She smiled at the two of us. "Welcome you two." She greeted us. We entered the restaurant and was lead to a table of three. Our waiter stared at the three of us. I felt uncomfortable with the way he looked at us. He handed us our menus and I found a number in mine. Who the hell does he think I am? I'm married!

I crumbled it up and threw it on the floor, annoyed. We saiyans get easily annoyed. "What are you two going to order?" I asked trying cheer up. "I don't know, how about you?" Kusu asked. "Hmmm.... how about (f/f) [favorite food]?" I questioned myself. "I'll have one too." Vados decided. "Do you ladies want anything to drink?" The waiter asked. I ignored him. "So, Kusu... how is your relationship with Shin going??" I asked the short Angel, wriggling my eyebrows. She blushed violently. Vados and I laughed at her. "How is it going with Whis? Have our brother done something interesting the two of us should know?" Vados and Kusu teased. I blushed dark red. "N-n-nothing yet. W-we're not ready f-for another child yet." I stuttered. The waiter stood there, anger in his eyes, because we're I relationships. "Hey, Vados. Aren't you dating Hit?" I asked and she glared at me. I laughed at her. 'Vados, play along. This guy is not to be trusted.' I warned her telepathically. My sister in law nodded her head.

Kusu's staff went off. She looked who it was. "Yes my lord?" She asked the destroyer, Rumsshi. Vados rolled her eyes and let her older sister talk to her God of Destruction. "Oh sorry, mister waiter. I would like a Jin and Tonic please." Vados said. "I would have a glass of (f/d) (no alcohol)." I said. Vados gave me a weird look. It's not like me to order (f/d) when we're having girls night. "I will have a Fanta orange." Kusu said, ending the call with her destroyer. "Sorry, Lord Rumsshi just wondered where the tea Gowasu gave us was." She said. The waiter was now afraid of Kusu and Vados. The two must be attendants of G.O.D's, he assumed Vados was a different universe. He decided who his target would be, me.

Our drinks came. We each ordered (f/f). Vados and Kusu didn't want to order something else. The three of us shared gossip. "You know, Lord Beerus is actually very soft towards (d/n). When Whis and I are sparring with each other or the saiyans, he would spend some time with (d/n). I mean, I've caught him red-handed a few times. Lord Beerus is just too adorable with children, it reminds me of the times Piccolo babysat me and my sister." I said, smiling. "Vados, please don't tell Lord Champa. He'll use it as a weapon against Lord Beerus. Those two will never stop fighting over nonsense." I sighed. Vados and Kusu agreed.

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