Cabba X male! saiyan! reader

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A/n: hii everyone. Thanks JLyle40 for the idea of this one. My very first male reader. Enjoy, my peeps.

(Y/n's) pov:
The tournament between the 6th universe was set. My brother, Goku and I decided on the rules. My brother said that there have to be a written test. I think he must be the dumbest of all because we know Goku might barely make it. Over all, I'm excited to fight someone stronger. "(Y/n), you listening?" My younger brother, Vegeta asked. "Umm... no?" I said, scratching the back of my head nervously. He rolled his eyes at me. "Of course you weren't." He mumbled to himself. "You know I can hear you, right?" I said, raising my brow. He walked off, mumbling something. I stared after him. "Is he okay?" I asked to no one in particular. "I don't know." Replied the voice of Goku. I almost forgot he was still here at Capsule Corp. "So we have to choose 5 fighters. We already have 3. Who else?" I asked, changing the subject. "Hmmm. How about Piccolo?" Goku asked and I nodded my head. "Yeah, good idea and what about Buu?" I asked. Goku nodded his head in agreement. "So the fighters are selected then, wonderful!" We heard Whis spoke up. I looked the other way. I always had this attraction to Whis, but I don't know if he likes guys or me for that matter but I admire Whis for being so calm but the strongest person in this universe. It's not that mutch of an romantic attraction. I then decided to go to my room for a little nap. I was tired after today's training.

We finally arrived at the nameless planet. Well if it's called the 'Nameless plant' then it has a name. Well Whis landed the Hexaheron.(Did I spell it right?) We all got out and stretched after the long journey. We all looked around. It kind of looked boring. I didn't pay any attention to what the two destroyers were arguing about but I did know the arena got an upgrade. I focused my attention on a fighter from the 6th universe. He had cute black spiky hair with black eyes. He wore a traditional armour. By the moon! He's a saiyan. Goku just so happened to say what I was thinking. "Hey, look. It's another saiyan." Goku pointed at him. The saiyan looked worried about Goku pointing at him and I couldn't help but blush. He looked so kawaii.

We walked over to the shorter saiyan and he looked nervous. "Your a saiyan, right?" Goku asked. The saiyan nodded his head. "That's right. I'm Cabba." He introduced himself. "Cool. I'm Prince (y/n), my bother Prince Vegeta and then Goku or known as Kakarot." I introduced the three of us. "Nice to meet you." Cabba smiled and I literally died of cuteness. His cheeks tinted pink when his black eyes met mine. 'Okay, I have to test this guy out.' I thought as I smiled at him. "Where's your tail?" Goku asked him. Cabba jumped 10 feet in the air when he realized the saiyan behind him. Vegeta face palmed and I laughed. Cabba had a blush on his face. "U-umm... n-no." Cabba stuttered. The short saiyan cleared his throat. "Legend says that we used to have tails." Cabba shyly said, looking at the ground. "Wait, that armor. What is your home planet's name?" Vegeta asked with wide eyes. Our eyes met and I could only guess what my brother was thinking. "Planet Sadala, why?" Cabba asked, tilting his head to his right. He looked even more cute. My brother gasped and I rolled my eyes at him. Vegeta then explained that our home planet was destroyed then we concurred another plant and named it Planet Vegeta, was destroyed by Frieza and now we live on earth. I didn't pay attention to them anymore.

We were interrupted by a female voice. "Alright gentlemen. It's time to take your tests." A blue skinned woman said, I believe her name was Vados. We said our goodbyes and headed to our teams. I can't wait to fight Cabba and get to know him. "(Y/n)!" I heard my name being called. I blinked my eyes to see a hand waving in front of me. "Oh. Sorry Vegeta. You were saying?" I chuckled nervously. Vegeta only stomped off. That's out of character from him, usually he would yell at me for spacing out.

Cabba's pov:
"You like him." A voice whispered next to me. I looked up shocked to see Mis Vados. "W-what do you mean?" I asked, confused. Vados only rolled her eyes. "You like that saiyan, (y/n) os his name." Vados stated out the obvious. I blushed a dark red. "I can tell he likes you too. Maybe after this tournament, you can ask him out." Vados said, holding her hand infront of her mouth, almost like she's whispering a secret. I blushed a darker red. "Why are you helping me?" I asked her curiously. "When you live as long as I do, you learn how mortals act when their feeling a sertain emotions. Besides I love it when two falls in love. Love is a beautiful thing when treated right. Based off what I've seen, love can also destroy." Vados warned me. She walked off to Lord Champa's side and I was left confused. I saw the tall green man, wearing a white cape, glaring at me. I have a feeling he heard what Vados said. The Lords of Lords of the 7th also gave me a side glance. (A/n: trying to do it manga style.) I walked off to where the contestants were told to sit. I made eye contact with (y/n) and I immediately blushed. His brother, Vegeta, looked between the two of us. His eyes narrowd to suspension, Vegeta glared at me and his brother. I just quickly went to sit and wait for my turn to fight.

(Y/n's) pov:
Lord Beerus and Lord Champa, including the kais, still look shaken from the fact their 'boss' was here. Goku was smiling. I wacked Goku on the back of his head. It's either that or Vegeta will do something and might try to kill him. "Oww, (y/n). What was that for?" Goku asked, rubbing his head. I wanted to yell at him but I noticed Hit and Cabba walking our way. I stopped and stared at the two. Cabba had a light blush that looked really cute. Hit spoke to Goku and Cabba asked me to follow him. The two of us stood separately from the rest, far away enough from sertain people that have extremely good hearing. *Piccolo and Shin sneezing*

"What is it?" I asked the short saiyan. Cabba had a darker blush by now. "Awww, so cute!" I said out loud. "W-well I think y-your cute as w-well." Cabba stuttered, looking away from me, to his right. "I like you too." I said, blushing. Cabba looked up at me, surprised. I gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Ha! I always knew you were gay!" Vegeta exclaimed behind me. I turned to see my smirking brother with his arms crossed. "How did you know?" I asked him. "You have rejected every woman that asked you out and I've noticed you admiring sertain males." Vegeta said, he whispered the last part into my ear. I started blushing a dark red. This is the most I have blushed in my entire life! "Wonderful!" The two Angel siblings exclaimed. "Now, who would want to move universes?" Vados asked, eyeing me and Cabba. I don't want to move because I still have my brother and his family. "I'll move." Cabba said bravely. "You sure?" I asked him, staring at him surprised. "100%. I lost my parents to space pirates attacking their team while they were on a mission and I have no other relatives." Cabba said, smiling at me. I melted at his smile and pulled the short saiyan in for a kiss. We heard a 'awwws' and I smirked into the kiss. I pulled away from Cabba. He was a blushing mess. I wrapped my arm around him. "Right, 7th universe. Let's go home." Whis said as he waked to the Hexaheron. I don't know what I saw but I swore there was a flash of sadness in his violet eyes or maybe my eyes were playing tricks on me. Bulma started talking nonsense of how there was enough place in Capsule Corp and that that there's a new addition to the family. I smiled at Cabba as I held his hand. I love him. I know I do and I know he loves me.

Done! My first X male reader. I'm kind of proud of it. Sorry I haven't published since last week. I've been busy and school will always remain as a problem. Anyways I'll try to do more X male readers in the future but for now...

Until next time my Dragon crew


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