back "home".

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<>katies pov<>

i saw the house, i saw the power's standing out front of their house, i saw the town that was once my home.

"home" as my parents say.

michigan. after 6 years the reid family is back in michigan.

only this isnt home for me.

home is illinois. illinois where i had friends, a successful team, a good school, & family.

i parked my car, after the long drive here by myself in my car.

i sighed seeing my brothers greet owen, emily, & adam. my parents hugged trish & zee.

i got out of the car and walked to them, "were so happy to have the triplets back." trish hugged me.

i fake smiled and laughed with them.

"come on, come see your rooms." our mom said.

we followed her inside, looking around

"you 3 are upstairs & you all have your own rooms." my mom said which got the boys excited

"katie, you have this room, with your own bathroom." i walked into the room with grey walls.

"korbin, you're at the end here."

"and kendall, you are across from katie girl. plus theres a bathroom up here for you two." she smiled.


after hours of unpacking and setting up our rooms, we were eating pizza in the kitchen.

i sat on the floor, eating my cheese pizza, when owen sat next to me.

"hey." he smiled.


"you good?" he asked and i just shook my head.

i was about to cry so i got up and went to my room. i knew owen was racing up the stairs behind me.

"katie, whats wrong?" he asked

"i dont want to be here owen." i sighed.


"this isnt home owen. and i know that were here because me & the boys are playing for the USNTDP, but i dont really care. i care about my team in illinois." i said

"lets go for a drive. let me show you around, maybe meet some people. the rinks open, grab your gear."

i did as i was told and followed owen downstairs, "we'll be back later."

we went to his house, got his gear and then got in his car.

he started driving, showing me around the town that i spent the first 10 years of my life in.

"this is the rink. we're meeting some friends here."

i got out, taking my bag from the back and walking next to owen.

"you're gonna like it here jo." he said using the nickname he gave me as a kid from my middle name.

"i hate that you know my middle name." i said

"personally it fits you well, katie jo." he smiled opening the arena doors.

i walked in seeing 2 other guys.

"owen." one of the guys said

"whats up?" he did the bro hug with them "oh this is katie. she's my childhood best friend, they just moved back home today so i decided to take her to the rink with us. this is trevor zegras & jack hughes. they play for-"

"the national team development program, i know. my brothers talk about them alot." i said "katie reid."

"who are your brothers?" trevor asked

"korbin & kendall reid."

"the triplets?!" he freaked

"yeah, how did yall know?"

"man, yall are making history having 3 of you playing in the same organization at the same age & time." he said and i shrugged it off like it was nothing.

"weve heard lots about korbin & kendall." jack said

"yeah, i kinda live in their shadow." i sighed.

we started putting our skates on as they talked to me, "what position you play?"

"goalie." i said

"goalie girls are my favorite." trevor said

"calm down." owen said.

<>owen pov<>

i wasn't letting trevor make a move on katie that fast.

i haven't seen katie in over a year & she grew up in that year. taller, shorter hair, she actually permed her hair, & absolutely so gorgeous.

woah. maybe i like her.

"sorry man." he laughed.

"lets go skate before anyone else comes." jack said

"should we ask the boys if they want to come?" she asked me, once trevor & jack left us

"yeah, theyll like it."

she opened her phone and called korbin, after me telling them
the arena name, she ended the call went to the ice.

she stepped out first, skating to the net.

"this is a nice rink." she said.

"it is, you'll like it here." jack said to her.

once her brothers were here, we played 3 on 3.

me, jack, z are a team. and the triplets are a team.

"whens the last time you played hockey not as a goalie?" jack asked

"sometimes i got to during practice, once during a game. but i like being a goalie because if the team gets in trouble and they have to run lines, i got to practice." she laughed

i watched katie play, seeing her get used to being here.

her personality is the best. she is the loud one, dancing & singing, not afraid to be herself.

<>katies pov<>

i felt free, i was happy here on the ice. my only thought was where the puck was.

i was happy being here but i knew this feeling would leave soon.

once im on the ice, nothing else matters. i focus on the game and forget everything else in life.

after a couple hours of playing, the rink was closing, and we had to go home.

we said bye to jack & z, and got in our cars.

"thank you." i said to him while turning the car on.

"anything to help you feel comfortable here." he smiled

gosh i love him. the long hair, his height, smile. him in glasses, oh dont even get me started.

but he's my childhood best friend & the twins best friend so i cant date him. it would be wrong.

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