5 years later

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owen's 7th year in buffalo! after his 3 year entry level contract expired, he signed a 8 year x 8 million contract.

we got married in december of owens 4th year here.

and weve had 3 more kids.

lets just say its always a girl party here at the power house.

our oldest olivia jo.

youngest, lovelyn sue, parker rae & rowdy-kate mae.


how? some would say luck, we say, mass chaos with a pink bow on top.

we were told we would have a boy, thats why our youngest is named rowdy. i remember the look on owens face when the doctor announced we had 3 girls and not 2 girls and 1 boy.

we did change her name to a double name, rowdy-kate. owen insisted one of the girls have a piece of my name.

it was hard having 1 baby during the season, but 3 was way harder!

owen is the best dad ever! he will come home from games, doesn't matter the time & immediately jump into feed the kids, change outfits or just sit in their room and hold them and play with them.

olivia's 5 & the triplets are 2, and tonights a home game against dallas. the triplets first game in person together.

our families will be together tonight in our box, to watch owen play kendall & korbin .

i heard a knock at my front door and i opened it, "oh thank you guys for coming." i hugged my parents

i saw trish & zee walking up too, "darling you look so tired." trish said

"i am. as owen says weve hit the fierce five for ollie & the triplets are in their terrible twos stage. i just need to shower please." i asked

"go shower, take a nap, whatever. were here, we got this." my mom pushed me away.

i went upstairs and showered, got dressed, did my hair and went down stairs.

"hey girl." i heard.

"hey peyton!" i said

peyton married korbin & they have boy wyatt & girl eloise.

kendall is just the cool uncle.

i looked around the living room, "wow, i got a lot of kids. okay we gotta get them dressed."

i went back up to their rooms & got their cute small jerseys, pants, shirts, bows, & everything in between that they needed.

"ollie, heres your clothes."

she started crying because she wanted to wear her pjs, "girl put the clothes on."

my parents and trish got the triplets dressed & ready to go, while i got ollie dressed

"olivia jo power." i said

she huffed and rolled her eyes.

"i can find a babysitter." i said

"no." she cried

"is she the hardest?" peyton laughed

"as a baby and toddler no, she was so easy going, rarely cried, she was a perfect baby. she made owen and i believe that we wanted 18 more kids, then we have the triplets but more importantly rowdy-kate, whos name fits her perfectly."

"the teen years are going to be tough." my mom said

"oh i know." i said

"you guys gonna have anymore?" zee asked

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