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<>owen pov<>

"the show, the nhl, really just in general, hockey. team canada, the olympics, chicago steel, university of michigan, buffalo sabers, detroit red wings, and countless little league teams. thank you. i would say most people don't understand what frozen water and a rubber puck can teach a guy, but im here to say it taught me love, patience, respect, failure, and discipline. i learned discipline after every cross-checking, hooking, fighting, slashing, tripping, and delaying of game that sent me to the box for 2 minutes. respect for players i not only played with, but against. failure, from lost championship games to losing in driveway hockey, i learned that you cant win without failing first. love & patience, the two that i learned mostly through 5 girls. patience, when my wife, katie, & i had our firstborn i was ready to leave that hospital and take her to the rink, but katie scolded me for that. when our triplets were born, i learned more about patience, i learned that the 3am feedings & diaper changes were chaos with 3 babies and 2 adults, but over time we learned a process making the early mornings and late nights easier. i learned patience when we taught the girls how to skate, which involved a lot of crying. on the ice i learned that i have to be patient with teammates, i had to learn to wait for an opening to take a shot, i had to learn how to be patient for the puck. lastly, love," i teared up.

i looked off the stage at katie, baby OP, love, rowdy-kate, & parker. surrounded by family, friends, teammates, and coaches.

"theres a reason we named one of our daughters lovelyn, because her mom loves so greatly. i've known katie my whole life, i truly think katie loves me more than my own mom loves me. ive learned so much through katie, i watched her play hockey, i watched her bounce back after what doctors said was a career ending injury, i watch her be a mom & a best friend to our girls, i watch her open our house to young hockey players who have big dreams and she supports them so greatly after knowing them for 10 minutes. love; a four letter word, that 5 girls taught me more about. i had a huge love for the game of hockey that often over shadowed being a boyfriend, a husband, and father, but my girls never left my side, they wore my jerseys with pride. i missed games & tournaments, but i also taught them the game that i loved. after games the girls would facetime me telling me about it as i sat in a hotel room, those were times where i wanted to give up hockey but katie said, and i quote, "the girls play because of you, you play for them." so olivia, love, parker & rowdy-kate, thank you for allowing be to fall back in love with the sport that i hated at times. ive been up here for a awhile so for my closing i want to thank buffalo for welcoming me at 19, i spent 5 years away from here but im very grateful to be retiring in the royal blue & gold. sabers nations, thank you for a final year. thank you to my coaches and teammates for allowing me to wear the C. but im hanging the skates up & turning the barn lights off, and getting back to being a dad. thank you or as rowdy-kate wants me to say, hashtag 25 out."

i smiled and wiped a tear, as the crowd clapped, my girls running for me.

"i love you dad." they said

i hugged them back, i looked up and katie walking over to me, her eyes red and her face stained from tears, "i love you OP."

"forever & always, jo." i hugged her.

surprise, its clark! bet yall weren't expecting that for the finale! this book has officially ended, and it makes me sad to say that, but thank you guys for the love & comments! i try to reply to comments so drop an idea or a laugh or go to my conversations board, its a party there sometimes.

thank you again🤍 (also owen first & last line in the book is "forever & always jo." i think thats a cute added touch.)


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