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<>owens pov<>

katie knows my seasons over but, she doesn't know im home in plymouth.

i drove here over night. i wanted to be back home, ive missed my family & friends. the experience was amazing but i got a little home sick.

i watched the sunrise as a drove here, i parked at my house.

it was 8 so i knew my parents were at work, emily & adam are at school & the triplets were at the facility.

but katies mom was leaving for work, i got out of my car and she saw me, "owen?"

"hey holly." i said, walking to my house.

"katies at the facility, but i wont tell her you're here, it should be a short day for her." she said before getting in her car.

after katie & i's argument, im not sure if she wants to see me.

she doesn't want to attend college to play & be away from me & her brothers and i got mad at her and told her to learn separation and to get used to it. & to grow up.

she was pretty mad, & rightfully so. i was in wrong for saying that, i went from being the person she cried to about being homesick to the person who told her to get over it.

i moved my stuff back to my room & decided to take nap.


i woke up seeing my brother & sister burst into my room.

i hugged them as they hugged me.

<>katies pov<>

i saw owens car, but i didnt care.

we argued last night even after he told me to get over it.

i want to quit hockey to be with him & thats what he says...get over it.

i went to my house, showered and took a nap.


"katie, dinners ready & the powers are here." my mom woke me up. "owens home too if you didnt know."

"i do." i said

peyton: yo im heading to the facility to practice, you should come for one final time...just us

she left as i fixed myself for dinner, i walked downstairs and sat on the couch with my brothers & adam barely talking to anyone.

owen came over and kissed my head, that made me furious

"how are you babe?" he asked

"been better." i said not looking at him

he sat next to me, and the room was so awkward everyone was looking at us, so i got up and went back to my room.

"jo." owen followed me

"save it owen." i snapped trying to close my door, but he opened it.

"get out owen, we can break up, i dont care." i said, tears falling down my face

he grabbed me, pulling me towards him.

"i didnt mean to make you this upset babe."

"this upset?." i raised my voice "you meant to make me upset?"

"katie, whats going on?" my mom asked

"i dont want to play college hockey."

"katherine, thats nonsense."

i shook my head, stood away for owen, i grabbed my keys and made a run for my car.

"katherine dont you leave this house!" she yelled.

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