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unlike all the other girls i play with, im home schooled.

ever since me & the boys turned 15, we opted out of school to play travel hockey.

i do miss some aspects of public school, but at this rate i'll graduate at 17. i miss playing for the school, ill miss the senior year activities, walking the stage at graduation.

while my teammates are at school, im at the rink doing my work. i like it because i work at my own pace, which allows me to be at the place that im at in my education.

im ready for school to be over with, i want a break.

but for now, im finishing up work today in coach richters office.

"what made you do homeschool?"

"travel hockey & tournaments & camps." i answered, "we thought it was the best idea for us."

"cool cool."

i clicked submit and closed my laptop.

"reid, are your brothers here?" one of the boys coaches asked sitting in the seat next to me.

"yeah their in their locker room, writing essays." i said.

"why dont you do your work in your locker room? or the work room?"

"i dont go to the locker room because i get lonely, its sad being in there by myself. and the study room just isnt richters office. it smells better in here too" i laughed.

"did you write your essay?"

"yeah, i did it during study hall on monday." i answered. 3 times a week we have study hall. schools from 7am-noon, lunch at the facility, practice & workouts til late. then on monday, wednesday, & thursday we have study hall to get homework done. we do spend a lot of time in our study room, hanging out during free time.

"katie, you still have over an hour til practice." he said

"i cant hangout here?" i asked

"go bug someone else." he laughed

"fine." i said getting up and walking out of the room.

i walked to coach stones office, "whats up katie. you seem to be here a lot."

"i come do school work here. im usually just in the locker room or richters office." i said

"oh yeah! that's exciting! do you miss school?"

"sometimes yeah, and like right now im bored because all the girls are at school." i complained.

"did you know that some of the girls here thought that i just slept in til practice?"

"no i didnt, but i can tell them that you dont. you're up here monday-friday at 7am doing school work." she said "but it is kinda funny that they think that."

"i know right! like they think im just goofin around at home for hours." i laughed

"what happens when your brothers go to the world juniors and they dont work?"

"we just planned for our schedule to not have anything those days, its pretty easy to move class work around. and these extra work we can do to prepare for our upcoming test too"

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