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summer back in michigan.

summer at home.

freshman year was a big year for us, olympics & playoffs, but were all happy to be home.

like always i was the last to be home, my car was full of stuff.

the amount of cars at my house was more than usual.

i opened the front door, seeing a group of boys turn around to me.

"katie!" a few of them cheered.

owen came and hugged me first, followed by the twins, then trevor.

"hi babe." owen said

"hey boys...who are these people?" i whispered to korbin

"some boys from mich." he said

"beauties eh?" owen said looking at them.

"to you." i said.

"kj." trevor said

"hey trev." i hugged him.

"how was the drive?" mom asked

i gave her a dirty look, "i picked the farthest college to play i think." i said

"you had your chance at michigan." owen shrugged.

"shut up."

i put my bag down and walked into the kitchen.

"so you're the famous goalie." a boy said

"i could be." i said

"katie, wanna go to the rink with us?" korbin asked

"do i have too?" i asked

"we want you too." kendall said

"you always want me to do something with you."

"cmon it'll be fun." trevor said

"please katie?" a boy asked

"we know you want to katie." another said

"who are you?" i asked

"nick & luke." korbin said

"yall dont have a home?"

"we live here in michigan." nick said

"yall dont have families who wanna see you?" i laughed

"luke's jacks brother." korbin informed me.

"wow, that must make you special." i chirped

"not really." luke said

"have fun at the rink." i told them

"you guys go. maybe we'll join later." owen said

i went to my room as the boys made fun of owen for staying

i saw owen walk in and smile at me, "you can go owen, i wont be mad."

"i wanna be with you."

"im literally just going to take a nap."

"ill take one with you." he said.

"i love you." i said

i got in my bed and he laid next to me.

i felt so comfortable in his arms.

"katie." i woke up to see the twins & trevor in my room.

"what?" i asked

"what do you want for dinner?"

"sleep." i said

"wheres owen?" i asked

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