first of many

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after michigan lost in the final 4, owen quickly signed a entry-level contract

me tho, im still a college student.

i missed his first game, but trish flew me in for his game in jersey, since it fit my schedule best.

but i fly back out after the game.

its april & i graduate in may.

trish picked me up from the airport, and we were on our way to the game.

"owen doesn't know that you are coming. he just thinks that we got box tickets for fun." she laughed.

we arrived at the arena, and walked in, trish showed her passes and i followed her to the box

"i hope he came up here to see us." she said opening the door.

owen & i haven't seen each other since christmas break.

"hey mom." emily said

"moms here?" owen said.

i walked in & saw owen turn around on the couch, seeing me, his face lit up.

"jo." he said getting up

he hugged me tightly, "hi jo."

"hey OP." i said back, hugging him.

"is this why you asked me to get a sweater?" owen asked his mom and she nodded

he throw the sweater at me and caught it and put it on.

"i gotta go. im passed time." he said "you two took too long getting here."

"owen." trish laughed "go play."

"bye, ill see yall back in michigan or something i guess. no maybe after the game, ill come up here. ill text" he nodded

he hugged me, "play good OP."

"oh i will now that your here." he pointed at me before walking out.

"you bring out some different in him."

"what do you mean?" i asked trish

"maybe to you, you see the same owen that you grew up with. but i see an owen whos getting out of his shell." she said sitting on the couch & we joined her "dont tell him i told you this but he told me years ago, after our vacation to colorado, he told me he loved you but he was scared to date you because he didnt want to ruin our families relationship. but i reassured him & it worked out."

we moved out to the seats to watch the game.

i was in the edge of my seat the entire game!

new jersey scored in the 3rd making it 3-2 devils.

i watched at tage thompson launched the puck down the ice to jt skinner.

skinner passed the puck to owen and shot it in.

i cheered in excitement & cried as i witnessed his first nhl goal.

his team celebrated him and trish hugged me.

"oh girl, that was for you." she said

i wiped away my tears as i smiled.

owens goal tied the game but the sabers won.

owen came back up to the box after interviews. he immediately hugged me.

"congratulations babe. the first of many."

"thank you." he said

"go hug your momma." i said

he walked to his parents and hugged them, then emily.

"thank you guys for coming but ive gotta change and get outta here and get on the bus." owen rushed

we said our goodbyes and i left to go back to boston.


owen: hey babe, are you okay? something seemed off while you were at my game

katie: its hard watching hockey now

owen: oh

owen: can i ask why?

katie: i grew up in that team atmosphere, playing & practicing. i lived for hockey, and now i dont have hockey like i used too. and i know that i can find a rink and go play but its not the same. depression after a sports career ends isnt talked about like it should be for athletes. im happy for you babe! i was beyond excited to see that goal in person, seeing you playing makes everything better!

owen: dont bottle these things up katie, if you're ever down or not okay talk to me. i love you

katie: love you too owen🤍

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