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i sat on the ice in defeat.

in the crease. in the blue. in the goal.

it was home. a safe space that wasnt very safe with pucks flying at your face.

i failed my team here in the crease.

2-1 lose, ending my hockey career.

goodbye senior year.

i watched the other team celebrate, as my team watched.

tears fell down my face.

i pulled myself together as we told the other team good game.

this is it. the finally.

& the lights are about to turn off.

i put everything i had into this game.

i went back to the locker room.

"im sorry guys." i said

"dont be sorry katie." our captain said "we should of pushed it down the ice."

coach was upset. we are all upset.

the seniors cried, i didnt want to take my gear off.

i lightly hit my pads not wanting to change, not wanting to leaving the rink.

i slowly took my gear off.

i hung my jersey up, looking at everything in my locker.

i took one last look around the locker room before leaving. most of the seniors sat in there after everyone left.

i nodded my head before leaving.

i went out to my car, checked my notifications.

lots from family saying how proud they are of me.

i drove to my apartment and walked in.

"hey." peyton said sitting in the hallway.

"hey." i said back.

we have less than 2 months of living together left. 4 years of living with your best friend go by too fast.

i sat on the floor in the hallway, "its over." i said

"its over." she said back, wiping her tears.

*facetime call from owen*

"hey OP." i said

"you good babe?" he asked softly

"no. this fucking sucks owen" i sobbed.

"im sorry babe."

"i just want to go to bed & forget about this." i said.

"owen-" i said


"keep playing for me please."

"i always will babe. forever & always." he smiled

i looked over at peyton who was just sobbing.

"i gotta go owen. i need to be here with my teammates."

"love you jo." he said before hanging up

i sat in hallway, texted the group chat of seniors saying to come over.

one by one, the girls came. we laughed, we cried, we talked about the memories from the last 4 years together.

"remember when we played wisconsin & we stayed in the hotel and we got in trouble for sneaking into the pool after hours." i said

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