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its currently 1am, its my birthday & my first birthday without my brothers.

i couldn't sleep, although i need to since i have practice today.


"happy birthday to you," i heard and i slowly lifted my head up to see my teammates in my room "happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear katie, happy birthday to you!"

i rolled over and sat up, "what time is it?"

"6am girl!" molly said.

"get ready theres donuts & presents down stairs." hayley said

they left me to get ready and i met the down stairs. i saw that they decorated the house.

we crowded the table & kitchen as we ate & talked.

"weve never done this for anyone else, why me?" i asked grabbing a donut

"because you want family." hannah cheered.

"you & your brothers have the coolest birthday." peyton said.

"theyve lived up to the new years day birthday. its a party all day everyday with those 3." my mom laughed

"and were still on break from school so."

"bro why do we have practice on break?" i asked.

"thats what im saying!" makenna said

"are you excited to me captain?" peyton asked

"yeah, a little nervous tho that like im the leader of the team."

"from my point of view, youre the best option of captain for the team. ive never seen you upset or mad, you are so happy & outgoing." brenna said.

"you bring a lot of life to the team." mak said

"what was said in coachs office? because you went in there twice, plus talked to her in the hallway." peyton said

"um, well when i went into the hallway i told her that we need order in the locker room or i was leaving the team. then in her office i told her everything that had happened with caroline, then she asked what i wanted for the team."

"you want family. which is why were here." peyton smiled

"exactly. we cant just be family from noon to 6, monday through friday. we have to be supportive of each other, be there for each other. sleepovers, parties, dinners."

"do you guys remember, remember when we first met each other & then coach said SLEEPOVER...for a week? dude. let me be honest-" sunny said giggling "i was scared to be sleeping with people i just met & like we only knew the basics about each other."

"dude literally! we really didnt talk to each other much that first day."

"i think we all got more comfortable when katie started cracking jokes at breakfast." molly said

"you really are a comedian katie." sunny said

"you're too kind!" i smiled

"but that was such a fun week!" megan said

"who knew that stuffing 23 girls in a room, i mean wall to wall with twin size air mattresses, well except for julias full size air mattress, would be so fun & chaotic?" we laughed

coach stone: practice will be at 8, doors open at 7! please safely drive to the rink!

"practice got moved back." jessie announced

"it snows so much here, i don't remember it snowing this much when i was little." i said.

"well, what are we gonna do for an hour?" i asked

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