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after a year of playing in boston, ill be entering my sophomore year soon.

owen on the other hand,

he got drafted 4 nights ago, 1st pick overall!

and after graduation we'll be moving to buffalo, at least thats what he texted me that night. if not, i will literally break up with him so fast.

sadly i couldnt be there since he went to canada for the draft to be with family.

summers are the time that we are together.

owen plays here in michigan with korbin, i play in boston, & korbin is in minnesota, at the university of minnesota.

kendall & korbin both got drafted to dallas. kendall in the 5th round & korbin in the 1st.

what once was a close group of friends is now spread out across the states.

we're celebrating with friends and ive only been able to facetime owen for a couple minutes today.

we had so much family over, i was lost in the crowd of people. i walked outside to the patio, finding a seat next to my cousin ella.

i was talking to her when owen texted

owen: hey babe.

katie: hi OP

owen: i miss you.

katie: i miss you too!

owen: what are you doing?

katie: spending time with my family on the patio, it seems like everyone is here.

"jo." i heard, i looking up in confusion.

i looked at owen in shock, i got up slamming my body into his.

"congratulations baby!" i said into his ear, hugging him.

"thank you jo." he said back

owen has never met my family. weve also have never really said anything about us dating to my extended family

owen let me down and i saw trish & zee hugging my parents

"oh we couldn't miss this! our boys will be playing each other again!" trish told my mom.


katie: THE boy.

ella: you lucky girl!! he's hot katie! better in person

katie: watch it!


owen & i sat in my car after most of the family left for the night.

"can you believe that you'll play in the nhl, while im in college?" i smiled.

"you older woman." he laughed

"im only like a year older than you owen." i laughed

"how are you with all the draft stuff? you know with the twins going to dallas."

"it saves money on flights & traveling. kinda sad that were going be so spread out again."

"its only for a few year, then you can move in with me."

"we really are moving in together?" i questioned

"no jo, that was a joke..babe why wouldn't we move in together?"

"i dont know." i laughed, playing with my fingers

"you're nervous, whats up?" he asked holding his hand in mine.

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