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i laid on the ice after getting hit in the crease, my team captain was fighting a girl for hitting me so hard, i cussed in pain.

"you good katie?" peyton askes

"fuck no. my knee, help." i begged

she waved for our trainers and girls helped them across the ice to me

"whats wrong?" she asked

"my left knee," i said "my knee caps not in place."

i cried as i was helped off the ice & went straight to the trainers room.

i started taking my pads and gear off, to where they could see my legs

i was in pain.

i saw my knee cap, basically on the side of my knee.

they touched my leg, "holy shit."

"katie." the trainer warned

"what is it?" coach came in asking, the team close behind her.

"it's definitely a dislocated knee cap, im thinking a torn acl too." the trainer said

"so im out for the season...or forever" i stated

"lets not think like that katie."

its game 9 of my sophomore season, this cant be it for me.

"how am i supposed to think?" i asked

my leg was wrapped & put in a brace by the team trainers.

and i was taken to the emergency room for xrays & mri's.

"its going to need surgery, this could very well be a career ending injury katie." the doctor said


i had to be the adult in this situation, and take myself to the doctor. called my mom while doing so. schedule surgery.

the plan is surgery saturday, attend class towards the end of the week. we have a month til christmas break so hopefully i can drive home for that.

katiereid88's story

katiereid88's story

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"hey katie." i heard

i looked up, hella confused

"you did good and you are out of surgery." the nurse said "theres lots of people here who want to see you."

i nodded my head and she left for a little, i drifted back to sleep

"hey katie. hi sweet girl." i looked up seeing my mom

"hey." i said slowly.

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