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during the off season, owen and i went too maine for vacation.

back to the beach, my happy place.

we rented a smaller beach house right next to the bigger one our families stayed at together a few years ago.

on our 3rd night here i scheduled pictures.

with baby OP being 2 years old now, she knows how to take pictures a little better now.

i smiled for the camera, with baby OP in my arms.

"look at the camera OP." i said to her, pointing at the photographer.

"awesome, now owen come in."

the photographer directed us, "now katie, turn around."

i knew what was happening when she said those words

i turned and looked down at owen, my eyes getting teary.

"jo, i love you and i want to spend every season & off season with you on & off the ice. OP already has my last name, and i want you to be katherine joanna power. will you marry me?"

"yes!" i said, before he put the ring in my finger

he stood up, hugging me, he held my head with one hand and had his right arm around my waist.

"are those happy tears?" he laughed.

"yeah." i smiled looking at him.

"mommy why are you crying?"

"because im happy babe." i said to her

i heard cheering behind us and looked at owen, "who cheering?"

"our family." he smiled, pointing at our families on the balconies of the large beach house next door

"oh my gosh, OP." i laughed.

we took a few more pictures as our families came down.

i hugged them all.

"hi mom." i said

"hi sister."

"show me the ring girl!" aunt maggie said

i held my hand out, "thats gorgeous owen." she said hugging owen "welcome to the family boy."

"mommy." baby OP tapped me.

i picked her up, "hi baby."

we all went to the big beach house, we hung out while the dads made dinner.

"sorry im late." i heard a person enter the house. the voice i knew but haven't heard in awhile

"whats up korbin. wheres katie & owen?"

"hey trevor." i said, and he turned around

owen & i hugged him

"oh my gosh, congratulations girl! now wheres the child? dude whats her name?" trevor asked

"olivia jo." i smied

"i thought her name was OP."

"its a fun secret to have. we liked not sharing her name." owen told him

"baby OP is a cute nickname though." trevor said

"just like me." owen boasted

"shut up." i said, jokingly to owen

"daddy." olivia said coming up to him

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