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"katie jo," my mom said, as i was about to leave to go see owen


"come here."

i walked to her, and leaned on the counter top facing her, "whats going on with you and owen?"

"what?" i questioned

"come on katie! you guys are perfect for each other." she said

"i gotta go mom."

"where are you going?" she asked

"...the powers." i said

"to see who?" she said loudly



i walked out of the house and over to owens, i opened the front door as emily was about to leave, "oh hey girl, owens in his room"

i nodded my head and went there, i knocked first, "hey OP."


"yeah." i laughed

"come in." he said

i walked in to him gaming in his computer chair

"hey jo, whats up?" he asked

"i was bored." i revealed

he looked at me, then his bed and back at me, smirking

"owen." i said.

he looked at me again with the same look, i blushed.

"i gotta go boys." he said before quickly turning his xbox off and standing up.

he grabbed me and pushed me onto the bed next to him, "owen."


i looked into his eyes, the small light coming from his led lights gave him a blue tint, i leaned in quickly, placing my lips on his.

in that moment that he kissed back, his phone started buzzing

i realized what we did and how wrong is was to kiss my childhood best friend, "trevor can wait." he said placing his phone back down on the bed, attached his lips on mine again.

the feeling of guilt washed away.

his phone started ringing again

"hold on...z im a little busy man...okay...yeah...yeah ill get back on later z..." he went on.

owen placed his hand on my thigh, as he talked to z, "hang up." i whispered

"z, i gotta get these chores done before my mom comes home for lunch, but then ill meet you at the rink." he lied "alright bye."

he hung up, tossing the phone next to us, "we're meeting z at the rink, but-" he said kissing me again.

i rolled over on top of him, straddling his waist, "god i love you."

i sat up thinking about what he just said, "this is wrong." i said moving

he grabbed my waist, placing my back on him, "its not wrong if we both like each other." he said

"we do?" i asked

"shut up jo. i know you do." he smiled.

"you like me?" i asked and he gripped my left hip

"very much."

"my mom said we're perfect for each other."

"my mom said the same thing." he said back.

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