college graduation

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"katherine joanna reid." the announcer said as i walked the stage.

i shook some hands, hugged my coaches and smiled for a picture with my diploma.

i met my dad after graduation, out on a yard here on campus

my dad is here with me, my moms with kendall in minnesota, we graduate the same weekend. owen & korbin are somewhere finishing their season.

i hugged my dad and we snapped a couple pictures, before we went to eat dinner.

tomorrow i move out of my on campus apartment and move back home. and have a graduation party with family.

owen: congrats on graduating babe

katie: thanks OP! congratulations on graduating from a computer!

owen: hahaha, hey man gotta do what you gotta do sometimes.

owen: when do you come home?

katie: michigan home or buffalo home?

owen: mars home

katie: ill be in michigan tomorrow.

owen: see you there!

katie: really?

owen: no ill be on the moon.

katie: brutal

owen: nah babe, im at my parents. got home today.

katie: yay

owen: we can talk about you moving to buffalo with me soon

katie: aw


packing up the last 4 years of your life is tough. 4 amazing & memorable years!

peytons moving back home...for now she'll move in with korbin & kendall eventually in dallas.

i said goodbye to friends & teammates.

i had a lot to think about on the 13 hour drive home.

but im very happy to be back in michigan with my family for a little.

wow, never thought id say that.

i drove home behind my dads car.

owen immediately running out to see me.

"hey babe." i hugged him tightly

"welcome back home." he said

my mom & kendall come home tomorrow.

for now i moved things back into my room.

"look at you! you college graduate." owen hugged me

"future coach." i hyped

"future stay at home mom." he laughed

"we should go to something." he suggested

"like what?"

"i dont know like sticks in the street or something."

"im down."

we got nets and sticks from the garage.

we felt like kids again, laughing and having fun being together again.

this is how it all started.

this is how owen & i feel in love.

i stopped playing and looked around, my eyes got watery as i remembered childhood.

"what babe?" he asked.

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