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i slept in the power's living room with owen, so i could be there for when owen leaves.

trish woke us up, 5am, making breakfast.

"good morning!" she greeted us, turning the living room light on.

we slowly started moving around, only turning away from the light.

me and owen on the couch, emily on the recliner, & the twins on the floor. adam on the other couch

"its time to get up." trish said

owen ripped the blankets off me, and i sighed.

he stood up, reaching his hand down to pull me off the couch, i stood up with his help.

he pulled me close to his, wrapping his arms around me and kissing my head.

"stop it." kendall said

"breakfast is ready, eat and get some final goodbyes out." trish said

we ate breakfast, talking about life when we were younger. life before we moved to illinois.

"remember when korbin broke the taylors window with a puck?" emily said "that was so funny."

"we were some crazy kids." i laughed

after breakfast, owen went to pack some last things.

i sat on his bed, "dont look so sad."

"how can i not be? weve been here for a month & you're leaving." i said

"yeah, but were both about to get so busy that we will never even notice that im gone. ill be sure to text you every day. and i bet if my mom comes to see me, youll be right by her side."

he stood in front of me, placing his hand on my chin to tilt my head back.

"god you're gorgeous." he commented

i blushed and looked away from him, he pulled me up from the bed to be connected to him, "anything in here is yours while im gone. you're welcome here while im gone babe."

he leaned down to kiss me, i wrapped my arms around his necks to kiss him back

"go say bye to your siblings." i said pulling away.

"fine." he sighed picking up his bag and walking out of his room.

i watched him hug siblings & his parents in the front yard.

he bro hugged the twins, then hugged me tightly.

"bye OP." i said hugging him back.

"forever & always?" i asked.

"forever & always."

he placed his last bag in his fully packed car, got in and drove off.

"thanks for being here for that guys." trish said "but im going back to bed."

we waved bye, as i held in my tears and walked to our house.

"so tell us about whats going on with you and owen." kendall demanded as we got into our house

" dating, i guess."

"you guess? is this a one sided relationship? whats going on here?" korbin said

"well, were dating but were long distance now so im not sure how this will go."

"you're dating our best friend." korbin stated

"stop, no. because ive literally had a conversation with owen about this. stop."

i walked away and went to my room to sleep for a little.


"katie?" my mom asked outside of my door


"hunny, are you doing your school work?" she asked opening my door

"im trying." i said

"are you okay?"

"no." i sighed

"whats going on?" she sat at the edge of my bed.

"we moved back here & my best friend leaves me." i said "we moved back to michigan, were i have no friends, im home schooled, no family, & owen is now in chicago."

"katie, you have to understand the opportunity before you. you tried out for the usa development team, remember? no one forced you too. you wanted to play at the next level."

"i could of stayed and played in college. aunt maggie has an extra room, i can go back to school." i pleaded.

"its not an option, katherine."

i glared at her for using my full first name.

"im trying to do my school work." i said

"katie, dont be mad at me." she said

"im not mad at you. im mad at myself for trying out for NTDP & for falling in love with my best friend." i said.

"katie, please dont start this."

"please leave." i sighed.

she nodded her head and left my room.

i opened my phone texting an old teammate back in illinois,

katie: hey

carter: hey girl

katie: hows camp?

carter: honestly boring. this team has 8 new teammates & no chemistry with each other. bailee switched to snow devils, so we have 2 new goalies who dont know this team. luckily taylor is still here.

katie: i want to come back

carter: what?? i thought you wanted to play for usa?

katie: i do. but i dont know the girls, so practice will be lame for a little. i just miss the old team

carter: trust me, me too.

carter: hey i gotta go, i have to eat lunch & then practice. text you later katie!

katie: k.

i placed my phone back down, before it buzzed again, a text from coach stone of the girl NTDP.

coach stone: good evening ladies, just a reminder, first practice tomorrow, 6am! we will have breakfast, team time, and practice. cant wait to get started.

i sighed at the text.

i got out of bed and went downstairs to tell my mom, "hey mom ive got practice tomorrow at 6am."

"weve got practice too." kendall said

"at least i have someone to go with." i said.

i went back to my room & finished my school work, before showering and going to bed.

katie: good night, love you

owen❤️‍🔥: good night babe. love you more

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