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tomorrow, owen leaves.

its no longer days, its hours.

we sat at the power's dining room table. playing uno as trish cooked.

just being kids again.

we played driveway hockey.

helped owen pack.

ate lunch together.

this goodbye will be hard.

trish served dinner and as we ate and laughed, i didnt want this night to end.

we talked about the thinks we did as kids, "its crazy that we'll never be those kids again." korbin said

"stop im gonna cry." i said, owen placed his hand on my thigh.

we helped trish clean up dinner, the boys went home and i went to owens almost empty bedroom.

he shut the door and hugged me.

i ran my hands up the inside of his shirt, scratching his back.

"im gonna miss you." he confessed

"you're gonna miss all of us." i said.

"i will."

i laid on his bed and he laid next to me.

his hand going under my shirt, sliding up to my bra, "owen." i said

"shh." he shushed me. "just let me."

"if you wanna makeout just say so." i said

he sat and connected our lips, he was so passionate.

he went to lift up my shirt, "stop owen." i pulled away tugging my shirt down.

"im sorry katie." this is what i like about owen, i was uncomfortable and he didnt push it.

"sorry im was-"

"dont explain. i understand." he said hugging me

"can we invite the boys over and sleep in the livingroom?" he asked

"if thats how you want to spend your last night here, absolutely!" i said, we moved blankets and pillows to the living room, he texted the boys & told his siblings.

i laid on the couch and owen joined me after my brothers were here.

we couldn't stop laughing over the smallest of things.

this was a good ending to a sad day.

i cuddled into owen, smiling, thinking i wouldn't have this for a while.

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