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"why are we decorating so much?" korbin complained

"well, because were not going to illinois for christmas this year." mom said and i rolled my eyes.

"dont even say that mom." i sighed owen placing his hand on my back.

"katherine joanna,"

"dont say my full name either, i hate my full name!" i said back as the boys were laughing "KatHrInE." i micked

"if you would listen to my whole speech...families coming in for christmas this year." mom smiled

"are you serious?" i asked

"yes but i feel i should cancel now kathrine, the powers having family coming in too, so i thought that it was just right to have family come in for our first christmas back at home."

home. a word that ive gotten used too but my home is the USNTDP facility. i may still hate that im hours & hours from my family but i have family here now, i have my team.

"when do they come?" i asked "is ella & gracie coming?"

"tomorrow, since the boys leave christmas eve. yes ella, gracie, colten, beau, annie, max, dylan, & chloe." she said

"wait how are they getting here? the snows been so bad."

"christmas magic." korbin laughed

"santa." kendall joined in.


my family got here yesterday & last night, luckily they're all staying in hotels, but they're here all day. sunrise to sunset & after hours. the excitement of having them here went downhill quickly.

we're currently eating breakfast together.

"so when are the world juniors?" our grandma asked

"me & korbin leave christmas eve day, and if all goes well championship game january 5. come home the 6th."

"what about you katherine?" oh that name. my grandparents love that name since its a family name but i hate it.

"january 6-13." i said

"oh so youve got some time, whereas the boys have 4 days."

"so you guys will be separated for your birthday, you guys will finally learn what separation will mean." one of our uncles laughed

i got up from the table and went to my room.

"katie, that was rude." my mom said

"rude? randys the one being rude mom. im going to the powers." i said walking out.

"katie-katie!" my mom yelled as i left the house.

luckily the powers dont have family over yet, so i knocked on their front door & trish opened it, "hi katie, you okay dear?"

"no," i started and she pulled me in.

"whats going on? its just me & owen home right now." she said

"i dont want to be here trish. i really dont. i hate spending the holidays away from my family & hate that they make fun of me for having separation anxiety with my brothers." i ranted "its like they don't understand how hard the move was, and-"

"hey jo." owen walked in the living room & sat next to me.

"and i know that the twins are going to play the sport that we love but we wont be together for christmas or our birthdays."

"you homesick & over people?" he asked


"lets go to the rink." he offered. "the one on drew ave. the outdoor rink."

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