home sweet home.

371 2 14

todays the day i move in with owen!!!

i pulled up to the house, its so cute.

a little 2 story house in buffalo. owens lived here for a year now, after he knew that i would be moving in shortly after i graduated he bought it.

i saw him open the door & walk outside

"did your other girlfriend just leave?" i joked

"yeah, snuck her out the back. im guessing you came from trevors?" he laughed hugging me

"no, jamie drysdale's actually."

"dang one of my old teammates" he sighed

"are you so excited to be roommates?!" i hyped up

"totally. you have no idea" he laughed

he helped move in what i had in my car. our families are coming in tomorrow with more stuff, but he has pretty much everything already.

he showed me around the house, "look this bedroom connects to the second bedroom through a bathroom, so our daughters can share a bathroom." i pointed out.

"daughters? i want boys." i laughed

"whatever." i shrugged.

"the only problem is they'll share a closet." he said opening the door.

"but its big, they could definitely fit some hockey gear in here. some goalie pads here"

"goalie? hockey boys really like goalie girls and i dont want our daughters dating."

"is that the only reason you like me? because im a goalie?"

"i think you mean, you were a goalie." he said said

i gasped, "how dare you!"

"anyway, i dont know what you want to do for these rooms for now, like guest room, make one a storage room, make a child now, um a hockey room."

"get outta here." i pushed him.

"i want to be a dad!" he said

"i know babe." i said

we walked back downstairs, "the master is down here. i know that you'll decorate it, youre free too."

he opened the door to the white room.

"she needs some color." i laughed

"yeah. the whole house is kinda white and boring."

"dont worry our moms are coming they know how to decorate." i said

we spent that night at home, ordered pizza and ate on the couch.

"are you okay?" owen asked while we sat and watched tv "and dont even lie. sometimes been off since this summer."

i looked at him, my emotions where about to bust open and i was going to cry.

"let it out girl." he said hugging me

owen knows me best. he knows everything about me. he sees my struggles and handles them with compassion.

i looked down not wanted to open up about my struggles.

he lifted my head up with his hand, making me look at him as i broke down in tears.

"im not used to this."

"not used to what babe?" he asked softly

"not playing. im not used to just being at home with no teammate support and no weights, no games and tournaments."

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