last practice

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todays the last "practice" at NTDP.

its a sad day, we all sat in silence in the locker room.

today we cleaned our lockers and said our goodbyes, took some final pictures.

"i love this team, and im so proud of you ladies." coach said finishing up her talk "captain you got anything to say?"

"i just wanna say thank you to all of you, i know i was closer to some than others, but i love you ladies and im look forward to playing you guys in college." i said

"speaking of college, any one's else want to announce?"

i saw peyton raise her hand and coach pointed at her, peyton looked me in eye and smiled big, "boston college!"

i got up hugging her as we screamed in excitement.

"is that all?...well ladies, i cant wait to cheer you on in college. for the final time, you are dismissed."

one by one girls left the lockerroom to go home. we wiped our tears as we hugged.

"thanks for everything cap!" molly said hugging me

"thank you molly, thank you for everything! love you."

i hugged every girl, with peyton being the last.

at this point i was crying. "bye peyton."

"see you later roomie." she smiled hugged me.

"oh yes ma'am! we need to tell coach scott that we have roommates." i smiled

i grabbed my bags, taking one last look around the locker room before leaving.

"bye reid." richter said

"bye coach, thank you for letting me do my schoolwork in your office."

"always katie. best of luck girl!" he smiled.

i left the building, and waddled to my car with all my bags.

i let out the tears when i was in my car.

i know im playing in college, but this is a hard one to let go.

i love this place. if it wasn't for this program, michigan wouldn't feel as home-like as it does. this program, coaches, & the girls healed me, and i am forever thankful.

i got home when peyton texted me that she was coming over.

i hopped in her car, "hey i got this for you."

i opened the bag seeing a shirt this her face on it.

"thanks peyton." i laughed

"i figured youd miss me." she laughed

"yeah, i'll probably cry every night til move in day, when i see you."

"you better!" she said pointing her finger at me

"hey did you work things out with mr canada?"

"no & we go on vacation together in a few days."

"did yall break up?"

"no, we just aren't talking." i said

"you need to talk to him." she said

"you should date korbin." i said

"stop changing the subject." she laughed

"that smile! you like him. ill text you his number!" i said

"okay well, i was supposed to be on the road 30 minutes ago so my mommas probably going go be panicking about where i am, so im gonna go home. ill text you katie."

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