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"im back!" i said walking into the lockerroom of my old team.

the girls that knew me went crazy, we had a big hug & laughed talking about how ive changed.

"for you ladies that dont know this girl, this is katie reid. she played with us for 3 years & now plays for the us national team development program, she was captain & the first ever goalie captain of the womans team. for her birthday her family came in for a few days, shes here to help out & practice with us. and carter she will serve as your goalie coach." my old coach said

i got to hang out with them in the lockerroom, & i even stood on the bench as the goalie coach for the game.

getting to coach my best friends was fun.

after the girls won, i went to eat with carter.

"you talking to any colleges?" she asked

"a few, plus im applying for 7 or 8." i said

"dang katie." she laughed

"dude," she said taking a bite of food "this teams been so lonely without you. like the energy hasn't been the same."

"i miss you guys. like i begged my mom to let me come back." i said

"im glad you didnt though." she said


"no i was starting goalie." she laughed

"oh." i laughed

"oh my god katie, i forgot to ask, owen power?" she freaked

"yeah what about him?" i asked

we threw our food away and left, "girl what about him? what about him? he is owen power!" she emphasized as we got in her car

"okay see to you he is owen power! to me he is my childhood best friend, he is just owen." i said

"yall have known each other for that long and i never knew?!"

"i didnt even think you knew he existed." i laughed

"oh trust me i do." she laughed

"gosh so you're dating your childhood best friend."

"yep." i smiled

"and he plays hockey. yall would have some cute ass kids-PLUS you play in the same program as trevor & jack!" she screamed

"calm down." i laughed

"i understand why you left us now. i thought you forgot about us here." she said


"you didnt text any of us."

"oh, the program is just busy. 7-12 was school, lunch at the facility, practice & weights, plus 3 times a week we had study hall at the facility. then dinner was at like 6 at our homes, finish any schoolwork. 3-4 tournaments a month, games, international tournaments. its packed with stuff but its best program."

"and you get to see trevor zegras like everyday." she said

"he practically lives at our house, he is never at his host home, and i know-i know he likes me!" i said

"he can like me!"

"as long as its not me, ill be fine." i said.

"do you wish that you lived at a host home?" she questioned

"sorta. the girls & the guys have relationships with the families they are with, but im very lucky to be able to go to my house & have my parents there if anything happens. and i was still able to stay home schooled. theres positives & negatives but the opportunity is amazing." i said

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