The Arrangement

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Mika's POV

Week 1

I'm sitting at my dining table since my parents said we were having guests. I wonder what the occasion is this time...we have guests over from time to time but today felt different. The palace felt cleaner than usual, my parents felt quieter, and the servants have been busy all week...something big must be happening. I decided to squash my curiosity by asking my solemn parents a question.

"Mother, Father what is going o-"

I was cut off by one of the servants saying...

"Sorry for the interruption Your Majesties, but your guests have arrived."

We all get up and head towards the main hall, I stand aside and let my father open the door. It opens and I hear semi-familiar voices...once my father moves aside so we can greet ourselves I freeze at the royal family I see at the door. The O'Brien family, Celia O'Brien the Queen, Willard O'Brien the King, and Bose O'Brien...the Prince. The second royal family, our Allies, and royal companions but the reason I'm frozen is that...I have a burning hatred for the prince. We have always been on opposite sides since a certain time in our childhoods, our families have known each other for centuries and have always been good friends. That was until the odious Bose O'Brien was born...he's vain, arrogant, and selfish but I take my focus off him and greet his parents.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien."

"Oh, sweetheart you know you can just call us Celia and Willard." Celia says.

We chuckle and I hug them then the parents move aside leaving Bose left for me to greet.

"O'Brien." I say monotonously while sticking out my hand.

"Macklin." He says grabbing my hand and quickly shaking it.

We only call each other by our last names...I haven't said his first name since the incident 10 years ago but anyways after that awful greeting we head towards my dining area where we sit with one family on each side, O'Brien and I sitting across from each other. We get served dinner and sit for a while eating in silence but soon enough my mother breaks it.

"Ok Herman, Celia, Willard I think it's time to tell the kids why we're gathered here today."

"You're we have some stuff we need to discuss with you, and you might not like it." Celia said.

I stop eating my food looking up at our parents with pure confusion stopping at O'Brien's face who was just as confused as myself.

"What do you mean mother?" O'Brien asks.

"Well we've been talking with Angela and Herman about how the royal status has gone down and the family's fortune is decreasing by the day. So we decided that we needed to band together and the best way to do that is....a marriage." Celia says.

"Ok...who's getting married?" I ask.

"You..." My father starts.

"and Bose." Willard finishes.

I felt like all the air was suddenly knocked out of me...did I hear that correctly?

"WHAT!" O'Brien screams.

"Ok I know it sounds bad-"

"Sounds BAD? It is bad...we're only 18 and we loath each other! I don't think we WANT to get married!" I cut off my mother.

Bose's POV

"For once I agree with her." I say.

"Kids you have to do this...both our families are at risk of losing everything our ancestors have worked their whole lives for!" Willard says.

"What if we don't agree!" Macklin says.

"It won't matter...your marriage is already arranged."

"WHAT!" Macklin screams.

"You can't do that!" I say.

"I'm sorry kids, we knew you wouldn't we need to have this marriage whether you like it or not." Mother said.

Macklin got up and ran toward her room I'm assuming...Macklin's mom was not too far behind her.

"I'm sorry Bobo." Mother says with sincerity.

Instead of replying I just stay quiet and put my head down on the table.

10 mins later...

Mrs.Macklin comes down the stairs with dissatisfaction written all over her face.

"She locked the door, she won't answer any of my pleads or cries...someone else needs to talk to her." Mrs.Macklin said.

"Bose, why don't you try?" Father states.

"No." I say.

"Come on Bobo, it would be a great help!" Mother states.

"Fine." I say.

I walk upstairs toward Macklin's room, I lean against her door and I can hear her silently weeping...I knock lightly on her door to show my presence.

"Please go away, mother...I want to be alone." She says.

"It's me." I say.

"Then I definitely want you to go away." She says.

"I was sent up here to talk with you, don't make this hard for either of us, and just open the door."

Macklin opens the door, I walk in closing it behind me, and we both sit on her ottoman in front of her bed in her room.

"Why is this happening?" She asks.

"Our families are at risk of losing everything."

"But why must our families' whole legacy rely on the both of us?"

"It was just timing and coincidence...look I know we hate each other but we need to do this." I say.

"I just sucks, but somehow talking with you made me realize that this is our responsibility now." She says.

"Whatever let's just tell our parents that we'll do it." I say.

"Like we have a choice." She says.

Macklin wiped her teary-eyed face while we slightly chuckled at that comment and made our way back downstairs.

"Look guys we're sorry, we should've talked to you guys about this earl-"

Macklin cuts her mother off by saying...

"Mother it's ok...we both agreed that we are going to do it."

"Whether we like it or not." I say.

Our parents come up to us, hugging us, and thanking us for making it easy on them. I know our parents are already dealing with a lot of problems on their own so if this can help not only them but also my ancestors' generations ahead of me? Let's hope this can be a smooth sailing arrangement but knowing how riled up little miss princess over here and I can get just over tiny disagreements...I think this is going to be one rocky marriage.

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