The Hidden Child

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Bose's POV

Week 2

It's the next day and we heading to the training room to let Phoenix know the news. We walk into the training room seeing Phoenix setting up some gym equipment for her other trainees.

"Hello, Phoenix." Mika greets.

Phoenix turns around at the sound of Mika's voice; her smile brightens at the sight of us.

"Hello Mrs.Macklin and Mr.O'Brien, you don't have training today...what brings you here if you don't mind me asking?" Phoenix questions.

Mika glances at me with her arms motioning me to the front so I can speak.

"Phoenix, I recall you mentioning your son needs piano lessons...Atticus correct?" I inquired.


"What if I told you that I could teach him for you...for free."

Phoenix's eyes shimmered, her hands laying over her mouth, and her body trembling. Her knees gave out, her body crashed to the floor, and she sat there in disbelief.

"Y-you're don't know how much this means to me and my son! All the arguments, the crying, and the stress I have seen from the both of will finally cease." Phoenix cries out.

I gradually stroll towards her, crouching to her level, and positioning my hand on her shoulder. Patting it to give her some sort of consolation that everything is going to be ok. I look back at Mika who mouths the words hug her while also doing a hugging motion. I look back at Phoenix, seeing her hold herself as she cries and that's when I say...

"Phoenix, do you need a hug?"

Phoenix smiled at my compassion, knowing that physical affection was difficult for me.

"I would love one." She says.

Phoenix brings herself to her knees, wrapping her arms around my torso, and I cautiously do the same. After a minute or two, she lets go and wipes her face.

"Thank you guys so much...I have to tell my girlfriend Max about this."

Phoenix grabs her phone about to call Max but her face turns solemn.

"What happened Phoenix?" Mika asked.

"I forgot about Addi." Phoenix states.

"Addi?" I questioned.

Phoenix scrolls through her phone for a second then faces the screen towards us revealing a woman holding a small girl.

Phoenix scrolls through her phone for a second then faces the screen towards us revealing a woman holding a small girl

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"That's Max, my girlfriend, and...her 3-year-old daughter Addi. Max was also in a previous relationship before being with me; she and her ex-husband Dan had Addi. Max is still tremendous friends with Dan and I've met him, he's a great guy but the spark between Max and Dan withered so they split up. Unlike my prior relationship, their break up was entirely mature and mutual; they have been co-parenting Addi for the last 3 years. But Dan is moving away to live with his new family so Addi is going to live with us permanently starting next week. I would have to give my babysitter double the money which means I will work longer hours resulting in me not having the time to fit Atticus' piano lessons into our schedule."

Mika's POV

I had to help her...she deserves a break and Atticus deserves those lessons.

"We can help you." I say.

"You can?" Phoenix says.

Bose looked at me just as bewildered as Phoenix.

"They can live with us for the time being. That way you'll have babysitters, piano lessons, and less to worry about. When we leave the house they still have our amazing staff to look after them and you won't have to worry about paying for anything. The royal staff can get Atticus to and from school, We can care for the kids, and Bose will tackle the piano lessons." I say.

Bose's confused expression turned to understand my heartwarming idea.

"As long as it's ok with you and Max." Bose says.

Phoenix smiles from ear to ear.

"You guys are like guardian angels or something!"

Phoenix attacks us with a group bear hug with us hugging her back.

"Let me call Max and tell her the good news!"

Phoenix takes her phone, dials each number in anticipation, and nervously waits for Max to pick up the phone.

M- hey PhoPho...what's up!

P- Max...what if I told you I got presented with a deal that covered all of our problems...for FREE!

M- I'd say you were fibbing haha.

Phoenix explained our offer to Max and all we heard afterward was a high-pitched scream. Phoenix covered her ear and held the phone away from her face.

M- You're kidding!

P- that's what I said! But they said they would keep the kids and cover everything while I work here and you work overseas. On the days I don't work I'll take the kids but this offer is outstanding...we'd be ludicrous not to accept it.

M- of course, I accept! But I got to go PhoPho, work is calling.

P- ok baby, love you.

M- love you too. Thank you again, Mr.O'Brien and Mrs.Macklin!

Phoenix hangs up the phone, putting it away in her pocket.

"So when can I get the kids situated in your house?" Phoenix asks.

"Monday Morning, after you drop Atticus off at school, you can bring Addi over with all the kid's stuff, and we'll pick up Atticus from school." I say.

"Can I just say...thank you guys so much for being so angelic and loving to me." Phoenix says.

"It's our pleasure." Bose says.

We all get one more hug in before leaving since Phoenix had trainees coming in. We head to our office, and I sit on the couch while Bose sits on my desk.



"That was amazing what you just did for Phoenix...I'm so proud of you." Bose says.

Bose was smiling brightly with his dimples showcasing and his brown eyes filled with warmth. Those warm honey-brown eyes were looking at me with admiration and pride. Knowing Bose was so proud of me and that I was the one making him smile that brightly made me feel like a kid getting praise from her parents for the first time. I'm the reason he's filled with pure joy right now and only I get to experience this sensation with him.

"Bose, Thank You."

"No worries...the emotions you're making me feel right now are a reward in itself."

Remember that kid I mentioned earlier? Now imagine that kid getting a precious puppy for her birthday...yeah that's how I'm feeling with Bose O'Brien right now.

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