Live As I'm Told or Live As I Choose?

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Bose's POV

Week 3

"Mika can we let him sleep in a little longer...I need to tell you something."

"What? You said it yourself, you wanted a fun day for the kids and us. We wouldn't want him to miss it's almost 11 and I think he's slept in more than enough haha." Mika says.

"But this is important...extremely important." I say.

"Well can it wait till after I get Atti up and ready for breakfast?"

I move Addi off my lap putting her on the couch while I stand up moving closer to Mika.

"No, the sooner you know the better." I say.

"Come on Bose, let's just wak-"

As Mika was about to walk out the door I took hold of her wrist just like I did that night behind the club. Mika quickly turned her head to me without moving or letting go.

"No Mika please, it's crucial...I'm serious." I say.

Mika's eyes met mine and she could finally see I wasn't playing around.

"O-ok...I won't leave." Mika said.

A staff member came and got Addi so we can converse on our own.

"Start talking." Mika says.

"You might want to sit down for this one." I say.

I take Mika by the hand and sit on the couch in the office. I know when Mika gets overwhelmed she becomes very emotional and light-headed resulting in her I needed to make sure to prep her for this one.

"'re scaring me." She says.

"I just want to make sure you're ready to hear what I'm supposed to tell you without freaking out." I say.

Mika takes my other hand in hers, sets them in her lap, and makes eye contact with me.

"I promise...I'll try my best to keep my composure."

I take a deep breath...knowing her promise might be broken.

" missing." I say cautiously.

I felt Mika's grip on my hands loosen, her complexion became lifeless, and her warm hands turn frigid.


"I'm so dizzy--"

Mika couldn't finalize her sentence as she fell forward onto me, her head striking my left shoulder resulting in me wincing and falling back into the couch as well. I gradually sit us up, laying Mika flat on her back while utilizing some pillows to lift her feet. After I reposition her I check her pulse to see if she was breathing which is all I needed to know to de-stress in some way. Since my freaking out will bring attention to this room and the last thing I need is for those kids to see another one of us laying on the couch in a somewhat unconscious state. I promised to keep them safe and out of anything Mafia related which is exactly what I'm going to do. I place my fingers against her neck, holding my breath in fear, but exhale once I feel her pulse beat against my fingertips.

30 minutes later...

I'm still sitting on the end of the couch waiting for Mika's arise, I continued to check her pulse waiting for it to speed up or slow down...but thankfully it never did. I felt her movement to my left so I look over and see Mika slowly sitting up with her elbows holding her weight.

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