A Fun Day

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Bose's POV

Week 3

I groggily open my eyes to a tiny foot in my face and an awful ringing filling my ears. I arise while flinging Addi's foot out of my face and locating the reason for the insufferable ringing-like noise. The young girl felt the slight adjustment but still stayed deep in her slumber. I trudge out of the blanket fort after evading all the little limbs and somehow the ringing gets more irritable. I walk over to the living room coffee table eventually catching sight of the reason for the ringing which was Mika's cell phone. I rub my sleep-filled eyes while yawning and picking up the phone. Once I brought the phone closer to my face I saw it was the alarm to wake Atticus up for school. I glance back at the fort seeing Mika and Addi cuddling under a layer of blankets and stuffed animals while Atticus slept straight as a stick with a single blanket covering him.

The memories of the night before replay in my mind...Atticus requested to watch every single superhero movie in the books, Addi begged to eat Mika's gummy bears but Mika had to reject her time and time again for the sake of our sanity, and then Mika and I had to hold the two weeping kids after they realized Mufasa died in The Lion King...it didn't make it better since Mika was also crying when Scar put an end to Mufasa. The night was full of laughs, cries, screams, and just fond memories that I never want to forget...but only make more of. I decided I yearned to make today like the prior night and merely have fun for once. No fixation on Marriage, Mafias, or all the other stressful things in my life. I shut off the alarm, allowing Mika and the children to sleep, while I get some more sleep as well. Noticing that image of me on Mika's lock screen made me want to see that side of me more often...the happier side of me. So on that note, I put her phone down and crawl back into the blanket fort to get some more shut-eye since I'm going to have a delightful day not solely for me but also for these ankle-biters and my amazing Mika. As I get settled and ready to close my eyes I see Atticus shuffle a little and slightly open his own.

"Is it time for school already?"

The boy's voice was hushed and his tone annoyed at how the dreadingly quick slumber made morning come.

"No...go back to sleep bud." I say.

Atticus smiles at the invitation of going back to sleep and hurried over while curling up into my side.

"I love this blanket fort." Atticus mumbled into my side.

After a couple of minutes, the ginger-haired boy was fast asleep like he had never woken up in the first place. After getting comfortable like I was formerly I was able to follow Atticus' footsteps and go right back to sleep as well.

Mika's POV

I wake up seeing that everyone was still asleep so I crawl out of the fort and check my phone. I notice the time and initially freak out but then I see a sticky note that took hold of my attention. The last time a sticky note took my attention it didn't end too well so I proceeded with caution. I carefully pick up the note which read...

"I decided today would be a fun day...we haven't had one of those in a while. I hope you're not mad! - Bose <3"

It's weird having Bose make such rash decisions...but I adore this side of him. He usually has a preference for his routines and plans but for him to break out of that just to make us and the kids happy...how could I ever be angry at that. So I chose to just get ready while Bose and the Double A's slept in some more.

30 minutes later...

I sit down in the living room reading a book on my phone when all of a sudden my phone gets taken hold of by a now awoken Bose.

"Hey give it!" I whisper yell.

Bose smiles while waving it in front of me and then looking at my screen.

"How come you care more about getting your phone back than me? Also, what's Wattpad?" He asks.

I snatch my phone back as he's distracted by his questioning.

"First off Babe nothing is more important than you and secondly don't worry about it." I say.

Bose laughs at my response while sitting next to me on the couch.

"So you wanted a fun day?"

"I know it's last minute and I'm not the type of individual to break a routine but I can't recall the last time I had fun. The last time I was just Bose being Bose, not a Prince or a Mafia Underboss. I'm eighteen yet I feel like I'm thirty-five, I matured faster than anyone my age, and I forget what it is like to be a kid. I'm only eighteen and I already sense that my life is already over...like I don't understand how to live anymore. I've never disobeyed any rules, never had any genuine companions beside you, never liked going out, and I never stopped to think why I'm doing all of this. I mean I'm the prince of Heatholton...I can do anything I want yet I don't since I feel like I always have to be the responsible one since I've always taken care of myself. But last night with you and the double A's showed me the child-like innocence I was missing out on and I don't plan on living the rest of my life without it." Bose states.

"I never knew you felt that way...but I understand your rash decision. You enjoyed feeling like a kid again and being with the double A's helped you realize that." I say.

"Exactly." He says.

I grab Bose's hand...his bigger hand overlapping mine.

"Well, what are we waiting for...let's make today a day none of us will forget."

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