The Holding Cells

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Week 5

"I hate Mondays!"

"Me too, bud." Bose voiced.

The young boy had a rough time realizing that he had to go to school after such a fun weekend with new friends.

"But the school has all the books you like to read, you fun classmates, and school makes you super smart!" Mika explains.

"That's true." Atticus admits.

Mika hands Atticus his lunch while Bose takes Addi out of the high chair.

"Ok, let's head out the door before we're late."

The family enters the car with a half-sleeping toddler and a tantrum-having seven-year-old. The day was starting rough, but Bose and Mika were looking up.

Bose and Mika make it to the Blood Royals after taking a little break from the case

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Bose and Mika make it to the Blood Royals after taking a little break from the case.  After multiple greetings to staff and fellow employees, Bose and Mika walk into their shared office.

"I'm happy to be back at work; the more we work, the closer we solve this case." Bose voiced while sitting at his desk.

"Same here. We have a couple of hours till training, so I'm going to—"

Mika was cut off by her Mother coming into their office. They could tell the woman was dying to tell them something by her fidgety mannerisms.

"Ms.Angela, Good Morning." Bose greets.

"Kids, you must come with me."

The couple looks at the mother with uncertainty but still blindly follows her. Angela leads them downstairs to the basement. It was dim, frigid, and soundproof, so this only intensified the suspicion levels in the clueless duo.

"Mother, where are you taking us?"

"The Heatholton Holding Cell."

Mika and Bose halted as they heard the words come out of her mouth. "The Heatholton Holding Cell? That's supposed to be near Heatholton Jail, not under Blood Royals Mafia!" Mika thought.

"Wait, Mom, stop."

Angela ceased her walking, turning around to the confused couple.

"What's wrong?"

"What's wrong is that we thought the Holding Cell was near the Jail, not under our business!" Bose answered.

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