Meeting Ree

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Mika's POV

Week 4

Today is Addi's off day, and we decided to both takeoff work today since this would allow me to meet Ree but, more importantly, take a pause from the case.

"I'm sorry you're taking a break with Addi and me today instead of going to work on your day."

Bose finishes buckling Addi out of her car while picking her up, then says...

"Don't apologize. I would much rather be spending the day with you and Addi than stressing out over work all by my lonesome. Plus, I wouldn't have let you come to this park to meet Ree without introducing her to you myself."

"You're sure?" I say.

Bose walks up next to me, using his unoccupied arm to wrap around my waist while kissing my temple.


I smile as we continue to stroll toward the nearly empty park...the only people there are who I'm assuming are Ree and her kids. As if she noticed our company, she turned around while sitting on the bench.

"Welcome back!"

Bose sets Addi down as she runs toward a young, sandy-haired boy who looks about her age while Bose guides me to the bench.

"Hey Ree, this is my partner Mika, Mika, this is my new parent friend Ree." Bose introduces.

"I'm delighted I got to meet the wonderful mother to Addi...she's a darling." Ree compliments.

"Thank you, Addi and her brother are some of the best kids! I heard a little about you from Bose, and you're the wonderful one! If I had more than my two, I don't think I could do it, are such an outstanding mother." I say.

Ree beams at my complimentary words since she could feel my sincerity in them.

"Where are the girls?" Bose asks.

Ree pulls up her wagon hood revealing her twin daughters fast asleep.

"They have been awake since 4 am because they are under the weather, and having a big family means illness spreads quickly. Luckily these lassies are the last to get the 48-hour flu we all had."

"How are you not exhausted?" I ask in awe.

Ree giggles at my genuine reaction to her busy bunch that she probably gets a lot.

"If I didn't have my ex-husband, I don't know what'd I do. He works from 5 in the morning till 3 in the afternoon, then picks up the older kids. While I deal with the younger ones all day, we then team up once all the kids are at home at once. I couldn't have the wonderful family I have today if it wasn't for him. Even though we separated, we didn't let that separate us from being good parents." Ree explains.

"I feel the same way. If I didn't have Mika to help me care for these ankle biters...I'd be a lost cause, haha." Bose says.

I chuckle at Bose's comment, but honestly, I would be in the same boat if I didn't have Bose.

"So what are your guy's professions? I'm a stay-at-home mom, if you couldn't tell, ex-husband is an office worker." Ree inquired.

I don't think saying I'm a princess of a country and a mafia underboss would be considered an ordinary job. But I don't want to respond incorrectly if Bose had already come up with a story on why I wasn't with him the other day.

"We are entrepreneurs, so we just work from home." Bose lied.

Entrepreneurs? I don't even know what that means, but Ree is buying it.

"Oh, that is awesome! I was going to apply for an online job, but my ex-hubby said being a stay-at-home mom is work enough...and now that I've been a stay-at-home mom for years now, he was not lying, haha." Ree jokes.

Bose's POV

I've decided to say we're entrepreneurs since it's effortless to explain, and being an entrepreneur can be anything...even working from home and making our days off. I know I'll have to explain to Mika later.

"So, how is Jackson? Is he more to himself like our little Addi?" Mika asks.

"Jackson is super quiet and timid; I'm surprised he's even playing with another kid! He usually sits under the playground playing with his little action figures, but Addi opened him up." Ree says.

"Addi is the same way, but once she gets to know who you are is very excitable and welcoming." I say.

The kids run over to the bench with radiant smiles plastered on their faces.

"Mama, look, Addi gave me her barbie!" Jackson exclaimed.

"That's great, bud...did you say thank you?" Ree says.

"Yup! And I gave her my spiderman!" Jackson says.

"Look, I got spiderman!" Addi exclaimed.

"That's great, honey!" Mika praised.

I peek at my phone, notice the time, and realize we must get home, or Addi will miss her nap.

"We got to head home, or the little one will miss her nap." I say.

"Same here, but I hope to see you two again!" Ree says.

"Here, let's exchange numbers, and we can arrange one day this weekend to meet up with your kids and ours!" Mika plans.

"Great idea! How about my place?"

"Cool with us." I say.

"Nice! I'll text you my address once we pick a time and date. It was nice meeting you, Mika, and seeing the two of you again! Say goodbye to Addi, Jackson." Ree says.

"Bye, Addi."

"Bye, Jack."

Addi and Jack hug each other before we say our final goodbyes and head to our car.

"I'm glad our life isn't all stressful...we finally have some fun with the kids this weekend! Are you excited, Addi?" Mika asks.

"Super duper excited!" Addi cheers.

Mika buckles the joyful child into her car seat while I get into the passenger seat and let Mika drive us back.

"I'm also eager for Halloween!" Mika announced as she got in the driver's seat.

"I know you are love." I say while taking hold of Mika's hand.

Mika grins at the new nickname I gave her while driving home to give Addi her much-needed nap.

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