Protective Bose and His Fittings

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Mika's POV

Week 2

As we are eating our delicious chocolate chip pancakes Bose says...

"You got a call from Lana this morning, I hope you don't mind but I answered."

"It's no problem, what did she say?" I ask.

"She can't make it to the fittings." He said.

What! My maid of honor can't make it to get her dress fitted...she knew this was happening for almost a week and a half now. What could be so important that she had to cancel last minute?

"Did she tell you why?"

"Nope...she said don't worry about it. When she did tell me she couldn't make it, it sounded like she didn't even care about how important this is." He stated.

"Well...Lana isn't a morning she could have just been extra grumpy this morning."

"Or maybe she just hates me and didn't want to tell me." He says.

"Bose...I'm sorry Lana isn't being the nicest to you...I'll try to call her again and convince her." I say.

"It's ok. I want her to like me on her terms even if it takes years...I don't want her to like me because you do. All Lana knows of me is being her best friend's enemy, she didn't know me before as a friend as you did." He says.

"You're right...I just wanted to help out." I say.

" are doing more than enough just by being my friend." He says.

I smile at Bose's words and he grinned's nice to know Bose likes my company. We resumed eating our breakfast and 5 minutes later we were both finished. Cindy grabbed both our plates heading to the kitchen to go clean them. As we were getting out of our seats one of the guards said...

"Your ride is here your highnesses."

I grab my phone off the table and my purse while Bose grabs his phone, wallet, and snapback. We leave out the house getting into the limo to see our mothers.

"Hello Mother, Celia." I say.

"Hello Mother, Angela." Bose greets.

"Hello, kids." Our mothers greet.

"Where's Lana? She was supposed to meet you here." Mother inquired.

"She can't make it." I say.

"Oh that's a you know why?" Celia questioned.

I felt like I should know...I mean my maid of honor can't make it and I have no idea why! I'm such an idiot...I should have called her and asked why myself but I just had to find an excuse for Lana. I love Lana but she's a major rain checker. Multiple times in our friendship she has flaked on me and I made up for her absences...both Celia, Bose, and my mother know that since I'm such a pushover. I just didn't want to lose my only friend over her inability to hang out with me so I just covered for her and made it look like I was the flaker. I feel so embarrassed to even tell them that I don't know why she can't come.

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