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There has been a lot of commotion since the beginning of the morning in the Royal Castle of Kimansa

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There has been a lot of commotion since the beginning of the morning in the Royal Castle of Kimansa.

The King, Kim Taehyung, distracted from his work, took off his reading glasses and went to investigate out of curiosity.

Upon reaching the grand ballroom, he slipped off a few missed steps on the spiral staircase overlooking the room in utter shock. His eyes went as wide as saucers and his hand covered his mouth.

There he was, his prince, his husband, the love and also somehow the biggest headache of his life, Kim Jungkook, in the center of the Ballroom, surrounded by what seemed to be lots and lots of goblins.

Tiny little goblins.

Jimin was passing by from right next to him with loads of cookies arranged on a tray in his hand. Taehyung stopped him, by holding onto his shoulder. Jimin turned around with a huge smile on his face.

"What is going on? The King had asked.

"Don't you see? We are having a family party!", Jimin had replied and was quickly on his way, yelling, "Who wants cookies!"

"What family party?", Taehyung asked himself out loud, with his nose scrunched. He looked at all the tiny little goblins again, wearing tiny little clothes, with messy hair and small runny noses, running around with their little legs, screaming and making a lot of noise.

"My King!", he heard his husband shout out to him, carrying a little goblin in his arms, who he then quickly handed to a maid and ran up to him with a big smile on his face.

"Honey what is going on?", Taehyung asked, gesturing to the entire ballroom and the noise that filled it. Jungkook's smile got wider.

"Well, do you remember when I told you I wanted to be a father?"

Taehyung frowned, stepping closer.

"And I told you I am letting no woman enjoy the luxury of seeing you naked.", he said, rather possessively. His husband just smiled.

"It's not like I was going to sleep with someone Tae, but it's fine now for now I got my wish!"

Taehyung was uncomfortable.

"What are you talking about?"

Jungkook turned around to face all the little goblins scattered all across the ball room, and yelled in the loudest voice.

"Children! Meet your father!"

Taehyung was ready to pass out.

The children as if on cue, began to cheer and run around even more chanting in their evil little voices,
"Father! Father! Father!"

"What are you saying?!"

Jungkook wrapped his arms around his husband's waist and pecked him on the lips.

"I officially adopted an entire orphanage! We are parents! Look at all these little prince and princesses."


"So that's what...the family party meant...haha...ha." Taehyung passed out in the brunet's arms.


Kim Taehyung was in a state, similar to what could be called a Rut, Jungkook however, liked to call it, "Ah, there we go again."

Every once in a while Taehyung would get really fucking horny, and so, would require to do the deed 3-4 times a day, for weeks to prolonge.

Jungkook however tired of this bullshit, came up with a plan to save his ass (literally) cause he was just physically tired, and hence, when Taehyung was in the mood the next time, the brunet said out loud the three magical words, with a straight face.

"I have diarrhea"

Which, pretty much seemed to have worked.


Taehyung : I have really high standards
Jungkook : I look cute when I bake a cake.
Taehyung : fuck he is meeting all my standards.


Jimin : So here is the King Taehyung, Keep in mind to stay a few feet away from him because he loves his personal space. And then the shadow attatched to the King is our Prince, Jungkook who also loves the King's personal space.


A U T H O R' S • N O T E
I tried okay.

Yes your girl is alive, no I didn't forget the book, cause you guys didn't let me forget lol and I am greatful for it. Thank you for all the new readers who asked for my health and when the update will arrive, I am glad you like this piece of shit.

I countered pneumonia and was barely surviving lol, here is a little extra I came up with on the fly. College internals are approaching so hang on a little more okay? Pinky promise I will finish this book NO MATTER WHAT.

I love you <3 beauties.

(I ran out of internet so i won't post any medias today, cause wattpad doent allow it until I have wasted like one entire gb of my data pack, stupid little orange fucker.)

(I am working on 10 new chapters as we speak ;)



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