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Lmao okay so this is nothing much, just me writing 2-3 possible scenes which could have happened when they first met, until I found the best outcome.

This is just a deleted scene, which I just came up with and this shit was too funny to simply keep to myself XD. I would like to see them like this in the future.

This is not a real scene.


(This could have happened after Jungkook was trying to deal with his trauma).

On the other hand, the most important hunter, in the entire Kingdom of Kimansa, Kim Taehyung, stood there, with disappointment in his eyes regarding what could have been a very successful hunt. He had been working hard, tracking down that abnormally large stag all through the thick and thin vegetation of the forest, only for him to loose it to a mere commoner, who just seemed to have popped out of nowhere.

He was irritated, which he was sure had clearly been advocated in his tone of voice earlier. He was so used to pretending to be the perfectly normal prince inside the castle, that he couldn't help but step out of character every once in a while to keep himself sane.

He closed his eyes frowning, running a hand through his hair, trying to keep his composure. If he is caught acting rude, especially to the commonfolk, stupid rumours will fly around, 'now that Kim Taehyung is this close to being crowned King, he is turning into a tyrant,' all because he didn't mind his tone.

Being a Prince is impossibly difficult.

He grabbed onto a handful of his hair, pulling onto his scalp and looking down he blurted out,
"Yeah I am sorry for the rude comment earlier, I- had quite a difficult time trying to catch that prey and just standing here watching as he ran away hurt my pride a little bit. You don't mind right?"

Taehyung prepared to apologize as soon he heard the commoner speak, but when he didn't receive a response, he looked up.
"Why aren't you respondin-?"

His grey eyes widened, as the sounds of heavy breathing made it's way to his ears.

(And that's how they could have progressed bleh bleh bleh)


(This is from Jk's pov, the same shit. I had forgotten this isn't the first time he was seeing his hair lol XD)

The stranger had a unique kind of hair color, which gleamed in the sunlight, like newly found diamonds in a cave, and Jungkook could do nothing but stare at them in awe. However it wasn't only the hair color which he stared at for a solid minute. The stranger himself was as handsome as what you would describe to be an angel. The face structure, the jawline, the piercing dark gaze which he now held in eyes, they were pulling Jungkook in like a moth to a burning lamp.

But Jungkook wasn't the only one doing the staring.

It might have not looked so, but the reason the brunet found the stranger's eyes dark were because they held a certain emotion in them while looking upon his face.


Maybe someone who has met in the past.

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