A U T H O R ' S • N O T E

403 24 14


So I am totally pissed off rn.

I was on a break because I was feeling quite under the weather and had exams and was also hit with the biggest writer's block to have ever cramped up someone's butt in the history of writer's blocks.

It has come to my attention (not actually, it was shoved in my face) and some people have reached out to me "Oh AuThOr WhY dO yOu AlWaYs SaY yOuR wRiTiNg Is ShItTy WhEn u WrItE sO wElL, WhY aRe YoU sO dEsPeRaTe FoR aTtEnTiOn" alright karen, that's a very bullshit way of complementing me.

Just to be clear I write shit like "Warning, a very shitty chapter" or "it wasn't as I had expected" is not because I am looking for attention but I have set certain standards for myself which I fail to meet everytime okay? You don't see it, but I on the other hand not only see it but also feel it. I know I write well I know or else I wouldn't have published my book alright, but I write those things because I fail to meet the standards I set for myself on that particular chapter. That's it.

I won't erase the shit which I wrote in the previous, but I will make sure not to make such comments in the future chapters because it's too much hassle to mute every single one of those 13 year old karens.

I am so pissed that I just had to make this quick announcement. I wish I had the energy to post the ss of the convos but what's the point.

Please don't be rude to me, or anyone in that matter. It's fucking annoying.

Updates will continue soon. Love ya'all man.

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