Mr Loverman

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Bruh_I_Cant_Write_ your art never ceases to amaze me.

Please let me know if you find any!


Alex POV:

I lie in bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking of what could have been.

'I'm Mr Loverman, and I miss my lover, man.'

"There it is again." I say aloud, because what does it matter? There's no one around to hear me anyway.

I've been hearing this one song for the past week or so, and I would just assume it's in my head, if it weren't for the mumbling. Every now and then, I'll hear the song, followed by someone talking, and I can't help but feel like it's directed towards me. I guess I really am going insane.

Sapnap POV:

"I'm headed straight for the floor, the alcohol served it's tour..."

That song. That one song, on repeat. Just for him. I sit through listening to that damned song day in and day out, because it's his favorite. The worst part? I don't mind. It's for him, so I don't mind.

"And it's headed straight for my skin, leaving me daft, and dim."

The doctors say I'm crazy, but I know it makes him happy. I know he can hear it. When it gets to the chorus his fingers twitch, every time, without fail. He hears it, I know he does. I just wish George and Karl believed me.

"I've got this shake in my legs, shaking the thoughts from my head."

I know he can hear it.

"But who put these waves in the door, I crack and out I pour."

And if he can hear it-

"I'm Mr. Loverman, and I miss my lover, man."

Then surely he can hear me.

"I'm Mr. Loverman, oh, and I miss my lover."

I stand from the chair I've practically lived in for weeks and walk over to Q. He looks so frail, like he couldn't awaken even if he tried. But I know otherwise, I will get him back. I have to.

"Hey, Q."

Alex POV:

"H-ey Q-"


I'd recognize that voice anywhere, no matter what. One of the voices I've been yearning to hear for so long, if not just in dream. ((I- I swear I didn't mean it like that 😅))

"I ho-pe y—- ca-n he-ear me."

It's not him! It's not him. It can't be him.

Ignoring my thoughts, I concentrate on the voice and try to make out every word.

"I-I miss you, we all do. You have to come back, come back to us, come back to me. I've been playing your favorite song on repeat for days, and the doctors probably hate me by now, but I can't bring myself to care. Not when it's for you. You- you have to come back, I need you."

'He needs me. He needs me, so I'll see him again.

It's only a matter of time

(From Blu: OMG AS I READ THAT, I ACTUALLY HUMMED IT IN THE TUNE FROM 'Who lives, who dies, who tells your story' I DIDNT MEAN IT LIKE THAT, BUT I DO NOW)

See you soon, my Loverman.'

Thoughts? (From Z: No thoughts, head empty)

Comments? (From Z: I'd just like to say.. I'm gay. I'm gay for the egg!)
(From Blu: ...I'm just gay but uhhhh.... Yuh get it I guess? 🤪)

Concerns? (From Z: If Betty bought bitter butter and she bought other butter to fix the bitter butter, would the bitter butter be better? Or would the better butter also now be bitter? Because I firmly believe that the bitter butter will ruin the better butter, she should have just thrown the bitter butter out)
(From Blu: ... I think she just wasted money on bitter butter then spoiled the better butter because less bitter butter won't make the bitter butter any better, you feel me?)

Questions? (From Z: Anyone grabbed a cactus lately?)
(From Blu: I've stuck many a cactus needle through the skin on my fingers 😃. You didn't have a childhood if you didn't do that with needles and sh*t)



Sooooo... if you could control what is happening in the story, where would you take it? What would you make happen?

Also, let me know if you guys want one of those author q&a things. (From Z: I do)
(From Blu: 😄)

If so send some questions here👇
(From Z: I'll start, have you grabbed a cact-)
(From Blu: Forgot to actually answer the question: yes. Too many times.)


(Hello! :D)

(Hello :D)

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