Once upon a nightmare

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Okay. Important question: show of hands, who has seen all of these:
-Harry Potter
-Star Wars
-The Hunger Games

(From Z: Raises hand in has seen all of them but is only a crazed Hamilton fan and doesn't remember the others: )

(From Blu: I was about to scream at you to go rewatch them, but... that's fair. I've been meaning to rewatch the others but have only gotten around to watching Hamilton XD)

If you have, tell me one random fact about each and we'll see who has the most interesting facts.

(From Z: well for Hamilton I know this is common knowledge and also not a fact but I love how Anthony Ramos (AND PEGGY!) and Jasmine Cephas(?) Jones talk in the background of the set in some parts :D)

(Oh yeah, that is cool. Here's mine: John Laurens was gay. His father expressed that he was worried about his son because he never showed interest in any women. Eventually John did get married, although it was out of pity for a pregnant woman who had been abandoned by her child's father. They two hardly wrote each other and is clear John was just being kind, and wanted to help her out. Time skip to a whole ahead, after Hamilton and Laurens had both passed Hamilton's son John Hamilton (named after John Laurens) read through Hamilton and Laurens' letters to each other, wanting to publish them (cause I guess that's something people used to do) but had to mark out some parts of the letters due to them being so sexual, to this day we don't know what the crossed out parts say. Also, John Hamilton named his son Laurens Hamilton.)

If you've seen some, but not all, tell me facts about the ones you have seen, and name a type of noodle for each one you haven't seen.

If you haven't seen any of these then go educate yourself, or watch a bunch of vines.

Have a wonderful time with this, and a wonderful day, night, etc.

Please let me know if you find any!

3rd Person POV:

He felt like he was drowning, he felt like he was suffocating but his limbs were underwater and couldn't move. He was falling, falling breathlessly into an abyss, the loudest abyss with the loudest sounds and the loudest smells Alex had ever experienced. He feels his eyes flutter for a moment, but he doesn't see it, the abyss doesn't disappear as he blinks. The odd thing about the flutter is it's as if his eyes were already closed, and he'd just moved them a bit, but his eyes were wide open. He was staring at the walls of the abyss, clear as day.

Except there are no walls to this abyss, only darkness. He can't tell which way is up, which way is down, which way is forward, or which way is back. He is lost in this abyss, and he feels tired, but somehow more awake than ever. The world weighs more, breathing is so much harder. His chest rises and falls, despite the will of gravity. Then he is gasping, gasping through the water, through the abyss, and he's opening his eyes. He's opening his eyes to a different world, one where lights are brighter, and he is blinded for a moment. He hears the beeping grow louder as the world becomes brighter.


(From Blu: AYYYYYYYYY... the sequel XD)

Moments later there's people at his side, and he has no idea what is happening. He wills his body to move, but it can't. It's as if he is awake, but his brain hasn't made his body aware of that fact, so it sleeps on.

(From Z: sound like sleep paralysis and also same)

(From Blu: omg I'm so paranoid aboot sleep paralysis XD)

The blinding white lights around him subside, and he is able to look around. He is in a white room. Everything is blank. All around him is people in white, tending to him, and the machines on all sides. He panics, trying to thrash and get these strangers away from him, but he can't move. Ringing makes itself present in his ears, and he can do nothing but listen.

It feels like years that he lies, waiting for something to happen, for the people -doctors, he found out - to come back, for him to fall back asleep, for anything to happen. He just waits.

His fingers twitch after a millennia or two, at least that's what it feels like to Alex. He glances around the room as he tries to move around. It takes time, but eventually he can move around, and makes an odd sort of groaning noise at the pins and needles shooting through his body at the movement. This brings attention to him, and immediately he's surrounded by medical professionals, asking him questions about 'Are you feeling alright?' 'Does this hurt?' 'Can you speak?' And anything of the sort.

(From Z: tbh if i was in that situation I'd see if I could hold my breath just to scare them- it'd be funny to me ngl..)

(From Blu: and train yourself to stop your heart momentarily XDDDDD)

They have him sit up, which takes him a few minutes considering how weak he is. The rest of the day passes in a blur and his thoughts are racing. Where is he? What is happening? But most importantly: where are they?

(From Z: at.. at.. at YOUR MOMS HOUSE HAHAHAH)

(From Blu: well, I guess if they show up looking a bit messy we know what happened)


It's like 12-ish days until this gets posted, so this won't be new news to you guys, but:


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