Chapter 1 - Hacking Disaster

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Tim's POV

So...Marinette's a waitress. I smirked at the thought as she ran to the back of the café. This was intriguing. "Hey Timmy, doesn't she go to the same university as us?" Jason asked. "Yeah, she's in my class. I didn't know she worked here. Hmm." That's when the little bell ran again and I turned to see her friends. "Oh, hey man." Luka greeted us. Jason gave him a little side hug around his neck and replied, "Luka, what are you doing here, dude?"

They chatted and headed further into the café. "So why are you really here?" Chloe asked. "For coffee. Whyelse? Oh..- Are you referring to Marinette? Hah, already saw her." Kagami pushed past me and Dick and went to the back only for me to turn around and see Marinette's car driving away. "Timmy, was she the girl you can't stop talking about?" Dick questioned. "More like she always picks fights with me."

We left the shop not too long after that and their coffee was exceptional. I took one to go and drank it while Alfred drove us back home. We found Damian down in the cave swinging his sword and Jason about to challenge him to another match. Sigh, this never ends well for either of them. I went straight over to my computer and sat down and began hacking. There was a mysterious and a huge cash withdrawal with no name attached.

Barbara soon joined me on the computer next to me and we got to hacking. "Wait, there's someone already here in the hacking database. What the.." I checked her computer and saw that someone was interfering with our hacking. I cracked my knuckles with a smirk and Barbara grinned. "I say we teach them a lesson. Right, Oracle?" She nodded and we began again but this person wasn't giving up.

I tried tracking the location but they blocked me. Damn. I tried counteracting but I was logged out so right now, Babs was the only option. And for the first time, she's breaking a sweat. "Phew, that should slow them..- Holy Sh*t!! They broke through my firewall and deleted all the data!" By now everyone was gathered around us. "We need to switch off the computer and power it down or we'll risk being tracked!" I warned.

Dick helped me remove the plugs and the entire system went black. But they almost immediately came back leaving a message on the screen and the first symbol was a cat icon.

Oh God

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Oh God...Not even Babs could shut them out, far less me.. Then another message came in.

"Barbara, send them back a message for me

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"Barbara, send them back a message for me." Bruce instructed. She nodded and typed what Bruce said. -Who are you?- They replied. -Not your enemy. Neither a friend. But a good guy.- And with that the screens went back to normal and all signs and traces of that intrusion were erased completely. "Looks like Babs has met her match or even better." Damian commented.

He wasn't lying. That was intense. That hacker could've been anyone. But that could've been Cat Woman but she doesn't hack. So who could've done that? A new vigilante...a new hero maybe..? It could also very well be the person who withdrew the money. But right now, all that mattered, was getting right on the case.

Marinette's POV

"I can't believe I passed Bats security, Tikki. I thought it was going to be a lot harder than that." I turned to her and she along with Wazz and Sass had their arms folded. "What?" She sighed, "Marinette, you could've gotten in trouble. He could've tracked you." I 'Pfft' at her comment, "Oh please. And anyways, it seems that they were also trying to find out about the missing money." I got up and headed for the kitchen to find Plagg eating camembert...again..

"Plagg, you pig! I already got a complaint about the stink last week. Are you trying to get me thrown out!?" He gulped it down and burped. "Sorry, but if you wanna transform, you might have to risk it." he chuckled. I rolled my eyes and pushed him out of the kitchen. I needed some dinner. I was starving.

I just felt for something light so I made tempura

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I just felt for something light so I made tempura. It was good. I gave the kwamis some sweets and got ready for bed. I can't believe I hacked THE Batman. That was incredible but I thought that he had some secret hacker behind the fact two, maybe three. Even so, if I managed to bypass, maybe he'll up the security next time. I washed up and flopped back in bed and turned on my phone.

'Bruce Wayne and his sons visited the recommended coffee shop. Proof posted all over by witnesses on the net.' Sigh, what I can't get out of my the fact that Timothy saw me at that café in my uniform. He'll probably leak the info and it will spread like wildfire at college. Ugh!! That bastard!

After overthinking last night, I was so out of it at school. I came extra earlier and hid in the back of the library. I rested my head down on the desk and sighed. I turned my head then swiftly covered my mouth to avoid a scream while falling off the chair. Now Timothy suddenly appeared behind and was smirking from ear to ear. "Haha, you're funny, Marinette." I got up and turned to leave but he blocked my path and backed me up against the wall.

"What do you want, Timothy? I was hoping to go slap-free today but I think I could make an exception for you." He chuckled, "You weren't that feisty yesterday at the café..-" I covered his mouth, "Shh Shhh Shh! Don't say it too loud or so casually." He removed my hand. "I honestly don't see the problem. So you have a job, big deal. What, are you embarrassed by it or something?"

I pushed him aside and grabbed my bag with him right behind me. "Stop following me." "I'm not following you. We're in the same class." I grit my teeth and picked up the pace and he followed suit. That's when I stopped suddenly and grabbed his shirt, "Why are you following me!?" He shrugged and looked away innocently. "You're an a** Timothy." He chuckled while I let him go, "Right back at yah, b*tch."

I rushed down the stairs and spotted Chloe and Kagami on their way to class. "Hey girls!" Chloe jumped on me, giving me a big hug. Kagami walked up to me and patted my shoulder, "Are you okay...y'know, after what happened yesterday?" I nodded then glared at Timothy who leaned against the wall on the other side of the corridor. "Yeah...'someone' almost made me puke so I had to leave before I did, Haha..."

Timothy walked away while guiltlessly whistling and I was ready to pounce at him when Luka held me back. "It's way too early for you two to be arguing, tiger- Ah.." he said with a yawn. I pulled away from him and had the girls with me in tow. "Later..I guess..."


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