Chapter 6 - Paired Project

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Tim's POV

For some reason, the lecture was taking longer to end than usual. Maybe it was because I kept drifting off... I heavily sighed but jumped upon hearing my name. "Timothy Drake!" the Professor yelled. "Yes sir." He pointed behind me at Marinette who raised a brow, "You two will be paired together for the project." Both our jaws dropped then she slammed her hands on the table.

"But sir..- Why Him!??! I don't want to have to put up with that idiot!" I glared at the teacher in agreement. I didn't want to work with her, she drives me insane and she's such a pushover. "Sorry, but not sorry. It's either you suck it up or you fail this assignment." My head fell to my desk and after that there was silence. "Thank you for cooperating." I heard her groan from her seat and laughter filled the classroom. Perfect...

So we have until Wednesday to complete the project for our next class. I reluctantly went over to Marinette but before I could speak she said, "You know I have a 'thing' after school so I suggest we either meet up there after my shift or at your place because you are not welcome at mine." I rolled my eyes. "Then the café it is because you aren't coming over to my place." She scoffed then left with Kagami and Chloe.

I sighed heavily and met up with Jason and Dick outside. "Why the long face, Timmy?" Dick asked. "Simple. I got paired up with her for a project." I pointed at Marinette down the corridor and Jason smirked, "Oh. You are such a lucky bird, Tim." I glared at him, "I'm not." Dick pulled us apart, "Anyways, where are you two going to do the project?" I shrugged, "Outside at the café after her shift she said."

Jason grabbed my waist, picking me up as he ran down the corridor, "You can't do that, Tim. C'mon, we're inviting her over. Let's go!" I struggled out of his grip but he wouldn't budge. "Jason, Put me down right now!" We caught up to her in the car park and she stared at us disgustedly. "What do you three nuisances want?" Jason dropped me and said, "Would you like to come to the Manor to do your project instead of the café?"

She raised a brow, "We already decided on the ca..-" But Jason continued, "Yeah, but imagine: Girls following Tim to the café and seeing you there already because he arrives early. And even if he doesn't, let's say some people see you two sitting at a café eating and drinking together. Think of the speculations and your reputation." She froze and watched him closely. "Your point?" she queried, sounding intrigued.

He chuckled, "After you shift you could come over to the Manor instead." She narrowed her eyes, "What do I get out of it?" He then whispered in her ear and she smirked, widely, devilishly. The two shook hands, "Alright, deal." What In The World Could He Have Said!?!? "Alright, later pixie-pop." She sighed, "Don't call me that, idiot." Jason grabbed my arm while Dick grasped the other pulling me away to the black limo outside.

"Oh and Timothy.." I looked back at Marinette as she grinned at me, "I'm looking forward to our study sesh." I flinched. Damnit, what could he have told her..!

Marinette's POV

I couldn't stop smiling at work. After what Jay told me, how could I have said no.

Jason: If you come over then I'll show you 365 embarrassing and sleeping pics of Tim, not to mention giving away his biggest secret but that's only if you come.
You may think I'm lying but I have dirt on everyone and in doing so, I get to make Tim's life miserable. Deal?

Marinette: *chuckles* Deal.

I get a chance to see Timothy's life go down the gutter, not to mention me having dirt on him seeing as he has dirt on me. It's a win-lose, perfect. My shift had ended and because I was extra happy and nice with the customers they gave me a lot of tips. "Hey Als, keep the tips." I left it on the counter, "Wah!! Girl, but you earned this!" I smiled, "It's fine. Keep it." I headed to the back and met Kagami.

"You seem in higher spirits. What happened?" I giggled, "Nothing, nothing at all. Jist siked to work with Tim." She stared at me in disbelief. "Why would you be hap..-" "*chuckles* I just can't wait to make his life miserable." She face-palmed while I did a little evil laugh. "Oh damn, demon Mari is here." I rolled my eyes as I heard Luka from the boys' side. "Yeah, yeah. Hurry and get changed idiot."

"Mari, are you gonna be okay with Tim?" Chloe came in asking. I nodded and grabbed my bag. I looked at them with a devilish smirk on my face kinda like the Cheshire Cat. "Don't worry, everything will be fine. Absolutely perfect." They flinged. "Well then, Byee!" I smiled, skipping out of the room. I got into my car and drove off to see Timothy at the Manor. Oh boy, I can't wait.

Jason's POV

The doorbell rang and I was the first one to get up with an angry Tim running behind me. I swiftly swung the door open but to my disappointment it was Babs. "Dang it...and I really thought it was her..." I pouted. "What, did you get a girlfriend or something?" she asked. "No..." But then the gate bell rang and I smiled upon seeing pixie. I pushed past Tim and Babs and ran up to her, opening the gate.

"You actually came!" She chuckled, "Yeah, I did." The others joined us and we all took her inside and led her to the living area. "And who is this?" Bruce asked. "I'm Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I work at the café you all went to some time ago and go to the same university as the boys." she replied. Bruce got up and shook her hand. "Well, it's nice to meet you."

She nodded then turned to Tim, "Well then, let's get started Timothy." He rolled his eyes then led her upstairs. Bruce sighed, "So did someone forget to tell me about this arrangement?" Demon spawn spoke up, "I saw them talking to her after school today. They probably invited her over." "They just have a group project to work on, nothing more." DickeyBird added.

"Alright then. Leave them be, Jason. No distractions." I gasped, "Bruce, how could you think..-" "It was quite obvious Todd. It was written all over your dumb face. Try to look smarter but I guess we shouldn't expect that much from you, huh." I grit my teeth turning to demon spawn furiously. "Just you wait, demon spawn, I'll end you." "Beat me before you turn grey, Todd. *smirks*" "F*ck you!!"


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