Chapter 5 - Deal

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Alya's POV

I called Mari and told her what Nino and I saw. We were currently standing in front of one of the new Wayne buildings on fire with people still inside. I saw Mari and the others land in an alley nearby so we went over to meet her. She pulled out our miraculouses from her yo-yo and we took them. "Long time no see, Alya." I giggled, "Likewise. Trixx, Let's Pounce!" I turned to Nino who also transformed, "Wazz, Shell On!"

We went back out to see the flames worsening. Nino and I went in and we managed to gather all the people we could as Nino used his powers to shelter us from the falling debris. We made it out and saw the others saving those by the open and cracked windows. "Ryuko, now!" Ladybug exclaimed. She nodded and leaped to the top of the building. "Water Dragon!" She morphed into a big bubble of water and it fell upon the building.

The flames were extinguished and Kagami formed again. We all came together and said, "Pound It!" Everyone began to cheer for us while some even took photos and pictures of us as well. We left the scene to go find another secluded place to return the miraculous when Marinette stopped and we all turned to see Batman. "Ladybug, are we in trouble?" Nino asked. She shook her head, Batman walking towards us.

"We'll agree to the terms you want. You dealt with that situation flawlessly and managed to save everyone. You help us and we'll help you." Marinette and Chloe grinned at each other. "Umm, what's he talking about?" I asked. "I'll explain later." she replied. I sighed.

Red Hood: Well looks like you all brought company.

Ladybug: Yeah. Our own miraculouses aren't the only ones. So we had reinforcements.

Viperion: Meet Rena Rouge and Carapace, the holders of the fox and turtle miraculouses.

Rena Rouge: Well it's quite the rare opportunity to meet the black knight in person.

Nino's bracelet began to blink. He only had three minutes left. "I'm sorry but..-" "Yeah, you need to leave. We may not have powers like you but we notice subtle things. For instance, yesterday that same bracelet and her hairpin started blinking when you said you needed to leave because you were on a time limit." Red Robin spatted. I gagged, And here I thought that the youngest boy wonder was supposed to have that attitude.

"Well, we'll leave you to it. So if you want we could meet up everyday in the cave for 1900 hours?" Nightwing queried with a smile. Kagami sighed, "Sure. But we also have a life behind the mask. Sometimes you won't be able to see some of us." They all nodded and we took off.

Alya: Trixx, Let's Rest!
Mari, are you sure it's wise to trust them? I mean yeah, they kinda save Gotham all the time but they're also vigilantes, antiheroes.

Nino: Wazz, Shell Off!

Alya has a point dudette. I trust you and all but they could be using you and the powers of the miraculouses.

Ladybug: I know, I know. I considered that. *sighs* Anyways, I have one more job for you two. Could you possibly gather everyone at the café tomorrow after close-up? I wanna share the info with them too.

Alya: Of course.

Ryuko: Well later guys.

Viperion: Get home safe.

Queen Bee: See you two tomorrow for my shift.

Ladybug: Alright if anything happens..-

Alya/Nino: We know and we'll call you.

She smiled and yo-yoed away as Nino and I made our way back to my place.

Tomorrow finally came. It was 6 and by then all the customers had left so we closed. I was about to head on back when a knock came at the glass. Ivan and Milene had arrived. I opened the door and allowed them in. "You guys can let the others in when they arrive. I'll go get changed." They nodded and so I went on back. "Who was that?" Chloe asked. "Milene and Ivan came."

"I honestly thought that Mari would've arrived first to be honest." Alix commented. "Well you know how busy she gets." Luka yelled from the boys' side. We all giggled. "Hey, have any of you heard from Marc or Nathaniel?" Kim asked. "No. I really hope they're okay." Rose replied. "Well, let's hope they're making their dreams come true." I said. "Hey you guys, Kagami, Juleka and Marinette's here along with Max and Sabrina."

We all went out to meet them and they took their seats while I closed the blinds and locked the door. By then Nino came down from the security office upstairs and sat down as well. "So Mari, what's all this about?" I asked. She exhaled.

Marinette: On Friday we kinda bumped into Catwoman, Ivy and Harley along with the Batfam of vigilantes. We managed to defeat the three but Batman wanted an explanation.

Sabrina: Did you actually tell them about all of us?

Kagami: She didn't. But I saw it as an opportunity to bargain. You see, they wanted us to team up with them because of our powers. In exchange..-

Chloe: We get to use their technology to find the Guardian.

Alix: They actually agreed?

Luka: They made up their minds yesterday after the fire incident.

Nino: Oh so that's what you guys were talking about.

Marinette: Yeah...

I'm honestly not sure about all of this; the team up thing, bringing you guys in it after the entire fiasco in Paris that warped the entire timestream of reality and the fact that I can't find the Guardian.

Kim: Marinette, we already told you that we'll be right here with you.

Milene: Don't worry. We knew the dangers that would come with the job but nevertheless, we still took it.

Marinette: Thanks guys.

Max: Back to the tech. Do you really think Batman's tech could actually find the Guardian? I mean, what if it can't?

Luka: That's the thing. His technology could boost our range in the world. If we get the green light from him saying that we can 'borrow' some of his tech then maybe you and Sabrina can do y'all thing and program the tech or whatever to find him. If you understand what I'm saying.

Sabrina: Basically you want us to create a software to personally and specifically identify the Guardian anywhere in the world? That'll take some time assuming that we have the right tech. But if we don't it will take longer than we want it to.

Ivan: She has a point. Are you sure about this guys, Marinette?

Marinette: It's a risk that I'M willing to take. Do you me..?

Alya: Of course girl.

Juleka: Always have, always will.


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