Chapter 20 - The Hard Truth

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Kagami's POV

Classes ended so now it was time for us to head on off to work at the café..with Tim and Jason tagging along as well. We all got changed and went back out and it was the first time in a week since we've seen Nathaniel and Marc. "Hey you two, it's been a while. Work has you that busy?" Marinette greeted them. They hugged then Marc answered, "Well, it seems Gotham treats us better than Paris on the other side. It's easier persay."

"Oh hey you guys. Nath, you're growing out your hair?" Chloe asked as she playfully pulled it back into a ponytail. "Haha, yeah.." "It totally suits you. A-Ah." Just then Jason picked her up and took her away from them and Tim pulled Marinette away as well. "What's wrong you two? Jealous?" They glared at Luka who stuck his tongue out. "So, are they dating?" Marc asked. "Mhm. Both of them. I'm still surprised about Marinette to be honest." I answered.

"So, are you two..-" "Dating yet?" Nathaniel finished for Marc. Luka pulled my head into his chest. "Yup." This idiot. "No we aren't." But he chuckled, "Yet~" I pushed him away and went behind the counter as today I was working with Alya and Alix. Luka continued to tease Jason and Tim while Mari and Chloe looked like they wanted to murder him. "You two are so dumb. They're both dating." Marinette pointed out as Jason put Chloe down.

Marc and Nath awkwardly waved at the two Waynes who eventually gave up since their girlfriends needed to start working. Tim helped out after some time while Jason drew in the ladies which made Chloe a little jealous. Our shifts ended so it was time for us to go home until it was time for patrol later. Mari took Tim with and said that they were going out or something. They left then Jason and Chloe parted as she came with me and Luka.

Tim's POV

Mari said that the Guardian wanted to speak with me so right now, we were on our way over to her apartment. She unlocked the door to see the kwamis and a turtle themed hero in the living room doing kung fu moves. "Master! What are you guys doing!?" Marinette yelled. I chuckled and closed the door. The old man de-transformed as Marinette sighed in relief. "Ah, you must be Timothy. I'm Wang Fu."

I shook his hand, "Please, just call me Tim, sir." "Can I get you two anything to eat or drink?" "Some tea please." Mister Fu said. "Just some water for me." I added. And with that she went into the kitchen. Mister Fu sat me on the couch next to him and began.

Fu: So, how long have you known about her being Ladybug?

Tim: Only a few days.

Fu: Did you tell anyone?

Tim: Nope. I don't see why I'd need to. Plus she didn't sell me out.

Fu: Ah, that's right, you're the antiheroes of Gotham. You and your family.

Tim: Mhm. How long have Mari and her friends been heroes?

Fu: About 4-5 years. Those being towards beating the villain Shadow Moth. And the rest is just Patrols in your world.

Tim: She mentioned you being from a different world. So in your world, there's magic jewellery that makes people heroes?

Fu: There are also a few heroes with superpowers without the need of the miraculouses as well.

Marinette: Here are your drinks.

I thanked Marinette before she took a seat on the chair next to the couch. "So Marinette, have you discussed the 'thing' you needed to with him?" Mister Fu asked. There was silence as I turned to Marinette who frowned. "What are you talking about? Cupcake?" She remained quiet. Mister Fu got up and left us.

Tim: What was he talking about Marinette?

Marinette: It's nothing... There's nothing to worry about.

Tim: Why don't I believe you?

I took her hand and pulled her over onto the couch next to me. "C'mon Mari, you could talk to me. I promise, whatever it is, I wouldn't judge you or if anything be mad." She looked away, "Remember when we were back in the cave..around the first time we met as our aliases..I kinda mention that..the only reason why we're staying here is to find the family we were looking for which happens to be the Guardian.."

She mumbled. I thought for a second but then I realised what she was trying to imply. "So, you're leaving now that he's back.. Is that it?" I saw tears stream down her cheeks. I pulled her close to me into a hug. She cried into my shoulder as she clenched my shirt tightly. "I-I don't wanna leave you, but *sniff* I don't wanna say goob-bye to my family forever.." I stroked her hair slowly to calm her but to be honest..I don't think this hug was helping.

I felt my eyes sting as they filled with water. I want her to stay with me but it wouldn't be right for me to be selfish and tell her to stay with me for the rest of my life. She has a family, a life to get back to in her world. I can't keep her here, not for my sake. "Well, if that's what needs to be done...then who am I to stop you, cupcake." My throat hurt so much after I said that.

"The thing is..I don't want to leave you Tim. I want to stay here with you and I could but..-" "But you have a home to get back to and your family might wonder where you are for the rest of your life. I get it. It's fine, cupcake." We pulled away slightly and brought our foreheads together. "The most we could do now is spend time together." I said softly while brushing my thumbs on her cheeks.

"You wanna watch a movie, maybe go out before patrol later?" I asked. She shook her head. "Can we just..stay like this, please." I smiled and laid back on the couch with my arms stretched out to her. She laid down on top of me while I patted her back in a slow, steady rhythm. "I love you, cupcake." She pushed her head into the crook of my neck, "I love you too, Tim."

Chloe: Hey Mari. We're here.

Kagami: *rings doorbell* Marinette?

Luka: *knocks* Nettie, are you there? Hey! Something isn't right..

Kagami: Marinette, open the door! Get the spare keys.

Chloe: Mari..are you..-

Kagami: She isn't here and the place looks ransacked. Find the miracle box!

Luka: It's not where it usually is.

Kagami: Damnit! Looks like someone got to them and we need to find out who.


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