Chapter 8 - The Icicle Villains

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~ Sorry for the long wait for another chapter I was really held back these few days. But enjoy! ~

Chloe's POV

Luka, Kagami and I arrived at Mari's place so that we could go on patrol later. We let ourselves in to hear her laughing hysterically. We all saw her glued to her phone so Luka snached it away and showed it to us. "Is this...Tim sleeping?" "More like trying to catch flies in his mouth." Kagami commented. Mari laughed, "Yup. His brother sent them to me." Luka chuckled while scrolling through.

I walked up to Mari and asked, "How's the project going?" She sighed, "He was being a jerk. Saying we shouldn't add colour or and personalization. Hmph!" She folded her arms and pouted like a little girl. "Well Kagami and I added colour to ours as well. So I guess we'll both lose marks if we weren't supposed to." She giggled. "Anyways, I say we settle down then transform to go on patrol." Kagami suggested.

"-So yeah. And there was also a butler named Alfred who showed me around and stuff while the boys fought. Including the 'Master Wayne' himself. Not to mention, he makes the BEST chocolate chip cookies I've ever tasted." I could already feel myself drooling. "So you had fun huh?" Luka asked with a smirk. She pouted, "It wasn't all bad but Timothy was a punk." Kagami giggled, "Well now we know for future purposes that the family already approves of you."

Marinette jumped on her while squeezing her in a hug. "Kagami, don't ever say that again." She laughed along with Luka who helped me pull them apart. "Well, that was a nice story to listen to. But we have a patrol in the next five minutes. I think we should transform and go now." I said. They all nodded and Mari called out the kwamis who were snacking in the kitchen. Mari brought over the miracle box and we took our miraculouses.

"Tikki, Spots On!" "Pollen, Buzz On!" "Longg, Bring the Storm!" "Sass, Scales Slither!" Marinette reminded the kwamis to behave, then we left through the window and we were on our way to the meeting point. We arrived and landed on the same rooftop as last time and waited for their arrival. But for some reason..they didn't show. It's been an hour and there were no signs of them.

"Ok. Since the Bats decided to stand us up, I say we just do our patrol normally." Mari instructed. I stood up and yo-yo away as everyone else did in different directions. "Call if there's trouble." was the last thing Mari said before she was out of sight.

Luka's POV

We divided but I suddenly felt...cold. I stopped in my tracks but soon found snow and little snowflakes floating around the air. I followed it and found the Batfam occupied with the entire Ice Villains. Mr. Freeze, Icicle Junior, Killer Frost and Captain Cold all in one place. They sure kept this entire thing quiet. Not even we could've heard it. I got out my harp and clicked one of the golden scales and managed to get a hold of Marinette and the others.

"The villains already got to Batman and his sidekicks." "We're on our way. If you must, stall and intervene as best you can." The call ended and I watched on taking in everything. By now, this entire place was covered in ice and even if it's a 5-4 teamup, the Bats will be somewhat outmatched. Captain Cold right now is probably the easiest one to battle with since he doesn't have meta ice powers and instead uses a weapon.

That said, there are three other ice metas we have to deal with. Marinette landed next to me to be followed by Kagami and Chloe. "What's the sitch, Viper?" "Four of the ice villains. I suggest we start with the Captain then move on from there." She nodded, then reached into her yo-yo and pulled out Plagg's ring. "I'm going to switch kwamis." She swung away and within a few seconds she was back.

Chloe ran her spinning top over to Killer Frost, pulling her away from Robin and slamming her into the barrier of ice. "Well then, let's all power up." We all took out our potion infused sweets and ate it. "Power Up!" We all transformed and our costumes changed to match the icy surroundings. We skated down the wall of ice and stood in front of the Batfam. "Second Chance!" The girls made their way over to Captain Cold while I dealt with Junior.

"Batman, you have other sidekicks now?" Mr. Freeze queried. "They aren't mine but we work jointly." Aww, thanks Batman. Junior did keep me pretty occupied but Frost separated Mari and Chloe and Kagami so now Marinette was on Cold by herself but to be honest I wasn't really worried. A scream filled the air and I saw Chloe...with icicle spikes through her body. Sh*t! "Second Chance!" I called while moving back my watch.

Kagami's POV

"Chloe watch out this time, Spikes!" She nodded. Mari was literally just spinning circles around Cold. She skated up to him and ducked. "Cataclysm!" She grabbed his gun and slipped between his legs then knocked him out. That's one down, three to go. She came over to us and helped with Frost. There was finally an opening so we took it. "Wind Dragon!" I spun around Frost and blinded her in time before..."Venom!" she was immobilised by Chloe.

Now it was just Junior and Freeze. Junior kept throwing ice Luka's way while Freeze was spouting nonsense as he and the Batfam were fighting. "Kagami, don't use your fire dragon yet." "Alright, Ladybug." Mari jumped away probably to change kwamis. Within a few minutes she came back as Ladybug. The Batfam was covering more ground with Freeze while Chloe and Marinette helped me with Junior who couldn't stop flirting with Chloe.

Freeze called on Junior and they both nodded. They placed their hands on the ground and more ice formed everywhere. We backed away swiftly but the Batfam was frozen solid. "Oh man, the cute blonde and her friends got away." Junior complained. "Don't worry about it. We have Batman and his sidekicks." Luka was about to use 'second chance' when Marinette stopped him. "Lucky Charm!" A monkey plushie?

She looked around then grinned. "Kagami, use your Fire Dragon to melt the ice, we're gonna need the Batfam to pull this off." I nodded and jumped down in front of them. "Fire Dragon!" The ice immediately melted and the villains were also affected by the flames. We followed Mari and she was about to ask something when Chloe was at her last minute. "Go on, we'll be fine." I said. She nodded. But then the venom on Frost will be undone.

I hope Mari knows what she's doing. "I need to borrow your staff, Red Robin." He looked at Batman before handing it over. "Thank you." The villains recovered in no time and began their attack again. Mari flung away leaving us here. "I hope your leader knows what she's doing. And I also hope she brings back my bo-staff in one piece." Red Robin complained. "Well whatever it is, we're gonna need to buy time".

Frost came back and looked around confused. "Welcome back, Frost. You looked hilarious with your mouth open while you were frozen." Junior teased only to get a slap on the head. "Shut Up! Now, where's that good-for-nothing, blondie!?" she yelled. "Aww, did you miss me?" Chloe countered back in costume. Now the fight has started once again.


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