Chapter 14 - Invitation

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Luka's POV

School was sooooo boring right now. The bell finally rang. I thought the lecture would never end. I packed my things and was about to leave when Jason asked me to wait for him. "What's up, man?" He sighed, "Do you think you could..I don't know...hook me up with your blonde friend..?" he mumbled. I chuckled, "What, so you like her or something? You can always go ask her yourself."

A little shade of blush formed on his cheeks. "Well yeah, but..-" "Hey you two!" Jason flinched. We turned and saw Chloe waving at us with Tim, Marinette and Kagami right behind her. "Well, here's your chance dude. Good luck." I patted his shoulder then met them half way while Tim and Dick talked to Jason. So first we had Nettie and Tim, now Jason and Chloe. Haha, this is turning out to be fun.

Break ended and it was back to our classes. Jason complained to me how he had missed his chance. I suggested, "Maybe you could catch her alone during lunch and ask her then. How does that sound?" His face lit up as his eyes gleamed with happiness. "Brilliant. How do I get her alone though?" I nudged him with my elbow, "Just be on the roof during lunch. I'll get her to go up then you'll ask her, k." He nodded.

During the lessons and teachings he couldn't stop tapping his feet. He was clearly excited..or nervous and restless. The bell rang and he hurriedly slid all his things off his desk and into his bag then grabbed me as we sprinted out of the classroom. I waited outside their classroom while Jason made his way up to the roof. They finally exited and they were all surprised to see me.

"Hey Chloe, I heard that some girl on the roof was giving away her old Michael Daniels (think of it like Louis Vuitton) leather purse that comes with..-" But when I looked back at her, she was gone. She's very gullible... "You made that up, didn't you, Luka?" Marinette asked, "Yeah.. Gami, let's take a walk." I pulled her along with me leaving Mari and Tim standing there looking confused. "Later!"

Marinette's POV

I stared at Luka muddly until he was out of sight but flinched when I saw Tim looking at me and blushing. "Is something wrong..?" He shook his head. We walked down the corridors and hallways until he finally said, "I was wondering if you were free Saturday?" He awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. "Uhh, yeah. I am. Why?" I asked. He sheepishly replied, "I-I..wanted to know..if you wo-ouldn't mind going wit-th me to the..Um, Gala.."

I grinned, "Could you repeat that louder, I couldn't hear you." He gritted his teeth as he tried to blush and glare at me at the same time. "Why would you want me to go with you? Out of everyone in the class, why me?" I further questioned. "Well could be like the debut of our friendship. Plus..Dick's taking someone and I think Jay just went to ask out Chloe so you won't be alone."

I narrowed my eyes, making him sweat anxiously. I giggled, "What time to be ready for?" I asked. He smiled widely, "I'll pick you up for 7!" He hugged me tightly and in the process lifted me off my feet. "H-Hey, You could- Let me go now.." I choked. He dropped me and immediately apologised. Just then, Chloe and Jason came back and they were all smiles. "Hey Mari! Guess what?" "You're going to the Gala and Jason's plus one."

She looked stunned then smirked, "I have the feeling that I won't be the only one there." I rolled my eyes with a smile. "C'mon, let's go find Luka and Kagami."

We all waved bye to the boys as they left. Luka and Kagami couldn't stop teasing us about it, even at work. Though..I found it strange that Tim didn't show up, he always does. Maybe he's doing some preparations for the Gala. I shrugged it off but now Alya started pestering me about it. "Ooo, someone has a dateeee!" she squealed. I rolled my eyes, "It's not like that, Als. If you don't stop, then you won't get to see your friend tonight."

She stopped for the rest of my shift but continued when both her and Nino came over. "Heard that, kwamis, Mari's going on a date!!" The kwamis circled around me while Plagg laughed on my head. "Aww, kid, I didn't know you had it in yah. Haha!" I pushed him off my head and cleared a path through the kwamis. "I'm not the only one here going y'know. Let's just transform and go please!"

Patrol went smoothly. There weren't any traces or evidence of any crimes so we all went back to the apartment. "Damn, did we take down all the villains or what..?" Chloe groaned. Alya tapped her chin, "I mean, there are a lot of villains in general but you guys took down at least a little to a half of that league. Maybe they're retaliating seeing as you did only take about 2 weeks to defeat most of their strongest."

Patrol ended kinda early that night so Alya decided to invite the others over. "Remember guys, don't make too much noise." I reminded them. They all nodded so Alya, Luka, Rose and I decided to make something for all of us to eat. It's been a while since it's been all of us under the same roof. We should all cherish times like this.

We set out the food on the table and we all dug in

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We set out the food on the table and we all dug in. Kim and Ivan had an eating competition with Max and Sabrina as the ref and their girlfriends cheered them on, Kagami, Rose, Juleka and Nath were playing cards and the others were watching tv. "Alright guys, Truth or Dare or Strip time!" Alya called. Alix and I groaned. "Last time we played this game, Alix and Kim and you and Nino almost got down dirty." I commented.

"So goes the fun in the game. Okay, I'll spin the bottle first." She spun it and since God hates me, it pointed at me. "This game is rigged already.." She chuckled, "Truth or Dare or Strip?" I sighed, "Truth." "Do you have feelings of affection towards Tim?" Everyone stared at me with knowing faces. "We're just friends, okay. Nothing more." Luka patted my head, "It's called 'Truth or Dare' not 'Lie or Dare', Nettie."

I rolled my eyes, "A little bit, okay. Now it's my turn." I spun the bottle and it landed on Nino. "This game is definitely rigged, dudes." he joked. We all laughed and it went on like that with Nathaniel and Sabrina forfeiting because of their Dares and both ended up having to strip either their shirt or pants. Alya and Alix were menaces. They all decided to stay the night so I brought out the blankets and Rose brought the ones she had in her car upstairs.

And by the end of ten minutes, everything was set up and ready. The boys chose the movies from their pile and finally made a decision. I popped some popcorn and then the movie began.


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